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Ok so our 'little' party ended up being a BIG party even some of the old kids are here and just about all of my class is here. All of my class decided to play truth or dare because we had all gotten a bit bored I sat next to mia of course but the I noticed mias crush sat on the other side so I did the thing any best friend would do and gave her a positive push towards him and she moved her hand to steady herself and it landed on his! And the he curled his fingers around hers and my work here ladies and gentlemen is done! So the the game starts klaus dared Tim to steal someone drink and he stole Rays ...let's say that didn't go well for him aka Ray chased after him and then made him buy him a new one it was hella funny though! After an hour or two I checked my phone and saw the time it was 8:20! Shit! "Mia!" I whispered "what's up!" She said "Mia I really need to go home can you come with me?" Mia looked a little say before saying "ok but I just need to tell my brothers we are goin-" just then Jason walked over to us "I can bring you home I'm going any way and we live closer" Mia looked at me like please can you go with him "...ok fine" mia smiled at me and whispered "thank youuu" then it hit me im walking home with Jason, JASON! Out of allllll people! Just then I felt some one grabbing my hand and walking me away from mia it was a nice hold and plus there hands where really soft I waved bye to
Mia and looked to see who it was when I say Jason! OMG OMG JASON WAS HOLDING MY HAND! I MEAN ME! I didn't know what to do! Do I let go?shake him off?or let him hold my hand... well I don't know where he is talking me so... I let him. Then i felt my face go hot THIS IS MY FIRST TIME HOLDING HANDS WITH A BOY! "Um kat? You good?" I looked at Jason to see we had stopped walking and where now standing him looking at me "oh I'm yeah yeah I'm good" omgggg "you sure because your face is all red" he squinted his eyes at me "ah hahah yep just REALLY hot!" Really hot? Gosh I am lame "if you say so"
He said as he let go of my hand I felt his fingers slip away and for some reason I felt.. sad no no no! Why would I be sad I don't even like him! He is annoying and and loud and UGH! "Kat you coming?" I hear him say I look at him he has this look in his eyes but I don't know what he was holding his bike and looking at me for an answer "oh yeah I'm coming" I said as I started walking "Jeez slow one are ya?" WHAT DID HE JUST SAY TO ME! "Pardon?" Who does he think he is! Say such a thin- I feel him grab my wrist "just come on will ya you want to get home right?" "Whatever" I mutter

After a lot of walking in silence I ask him "why are you doing this?" "Doing what" and he said I was slow "this walking me home!" He laughs "well I wanted to go home and you wanted to go home your friend was busy and didn't want to so I did the neighbourly thing and offered to walk you home" he said very matter of factly. I roll my eyes "you neighbourly HA!" I laughed he snapped his head around to me "oh saids the one spying on me obsessed much?" I felt my jaw drop as he turned back around smiling to himself. The rest of the walk home was quite then we finally made it home and he turned to me "cya" i walked up my driveway "bye!" Then I ran inside took off my shoes and tried to sneak upstairs without my mom notice me because DAMN AM I LATE I was halfway up the stairs when I hear

"KATE GET DOWN HERE NOW!" Oh no I'm really in for it now. I then had to sit though a 1 hour lecture about coming home on time and "you could have been kidnapped" blah blah blah whatever but as soon as mom was done I ran upstairs got it my pjs and went straight to sleep .

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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