Hospital Helpers

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...1 hour later after the incident at the Viridian City Gym...


Doctor: "Yeah, I am sorry kid but, you ended up breaking your leg."

"What?!" Vee then hops onto the Hospital Bed beside me. "No, no. Not now. I have a League to get to!"

The Doctor checks his papers. Doctor: "Yeah, I don't think leaving anytime soon would help with your leg. It needs proper healing if it is to get stronger."

"Do you think I. can get a Cast? Because I actually got to get going." Doctor: "Well... yes. We can, but then you'll have to be in crutches."

"I uh... don't want the crutches?" Doctor: "Then you won't be able to leave. It's impossible to go on without them."

I sigh. "Fine... whatever."

So with that, I get set up to get a cast and some crutches. I end up having to pay out of pocket money, which I... which I don't have enough of.

So I call my friends and they answer immediately.

"--Yeah, imma need some money guys. Sorry-" Luis: " *Sighs* Yeah- I can help you with that."

Luis comes in the Hospital with Rylee and he helps pay for the Cast and the Crutches and everything in between, basically putting us both into a situation with no Money.

Rylee: "Well, it's good you are ok." Skitty jumps onto the bed and starts playing. "H-hey, careful!" Rylee grabs Skitty and sighs. Rylee: "Sorry about her." I shrug.

"You're ok. Oh! Also have you received a word from Pyrafox?" Rylee shakes her head and Luis walks in.

Luis: "Ok, well Rylee, we gotta get out of the room while they put the cast on. No distractions." Rylee: "Oh, ok. Bye then Ethan." I wave to then as they walk out. "Bye guys."

Once my friends leave, the doctors get to work on getting a cast on. Vee, who snuck in the corner, just watches in Confusion as they out the cast on.

Once they are done I sit up and I move my broken leg a bit. It hurts but with the cast there seems to be less pressure.

Doctor: "Now, I heard from the other guy that you want to go out." I nod. "Yeah. Me and my friends are going to the League." Doctor: "Well one, if you are gonna go. I insist that you are careful. And two, you may have to stay here til tomorrow depending on if you can even walk with crutches."

"Huh?! No! I got it! My leg can walk with or without it!" Doctor: "No... it really can't son."

He sighs and a Chansey walks in. It has a clipboard with some papers on it. The Doctor turns to the chansey and gets handed the clipboard.

Doctor: "Hm? What is this?" He quickly skims through it and gets up from his chair. Doctor: "Well, I have to go speak of the analyzis of another patient. Stay here, i'll be back in a few minutes."

The doctor leaves and Vee hops onto the bed beside me, curious of my Cast. I pet Vee. "It's just some support for my hurt leg. Don't worry 'bout it."

Rylee and Luis then walk in.

Luis: "So, how does it feel?" I shrug and look down at my cast. "I could be better." Luis: "Yeah. True." Rylee sits down.

Rylee: "So... why exactly did you go running into the collapsing Building...?" Rylee gives a cold stare, full of disappointment.

"Weellll... I was kinda curious." Rylee: "You were only CURIOUS?! You couldve seriously hurt yourself!" I turn away. "Yeah, i know--"

Rylee: "Do you know how worried I was when I got a call from Pyrafox that you landed in the hospital?!" At this point she is worried, her eyes full of concern and sadness.

Rylee: "I thought something horrible happened to you..." I look back at Rylee. She is looking down, petting Skitty gently with shaky hands.

"I-i'm sorry... I just... I dunno." I sigh and I flop down onto the bed. Luis: "It's fine though. At least you aren't hurt that bad."

"Bro, I broke bones and I need crutches to walk." Luis: "... Yeaaahh, but it could've seriously been worse." I simply nod in agreement.

To be honest, I'm lucky to be alive. I could've been crushed by the Gym walls or ceiling.

Man... why am I so reckless sometimes...?

Never in my life have I ever been so reckless... unless you count that one Pokemon Tower incident.

My stomach then growls, followed by Luis's. "Oh... hah, I think I forgot to eat-" Rylee stands up. Rylee: "I'll get it then." She holds Skitty in her arms and walks out the room.

Luis: "Thank you!" Luis then pops his elbow with a Quick stretch. Vee then hops onto Luis's shoulder, next to Pikachu who sits drowsily.

Pyrafox: "SORRY I'M SO LATE!!" Pyrafox randomly runs in and he makes both me and Luis jump in shock. "O-oh! It's just you. Phew-" Pyrafox nods and catches his breath.

Luis: "You good?" Pyrafox gives a thumbs up and puts his hands on his hips. Pyrafox: "Y-yeah..."

Finally, he catches his breath and turns to me. Pyrafox: "Sorry I couldn't come sooner. Officer Jenny asked me some questions that I had to answer.." I chuckle. "Oh. No, it's ok. I'm just glad you are safe as well."

Pyrafox: "Yeah, and alright." Everyone then stays silent, unsure of what to say or if we should say anything else.

Oh, wait-

"Oh yeah! Pyrafox! I have been meaning to ask you- What was that thing that happened to your Charizard?!"

Pyrafox: "Huh?"

"You know! Like in the battle against Giovanni, your Charizard changed form into this Blue Fire form, which looked bad-ass by the way, and then changed back to its original form when the battle was done!"

Pyrafox: "Oh! You must mean Mega Evolution."

"Mega... Evolution... That sounds So Cool!!! Tell me about it! I wanna know how to aquire this 'Mega Evolution'."

It seemed to make Charizard stronger!

If I can Mega Evolution one of my own pokemon, I can make them stronger, and I can win the league!

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