Chapter 4

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Today is a great day for Kou. He just woke up and found everything to be smooth. Walking with a bright smile on his face, greeting everyone he passed by. That's it, until he opens the door to hanako's boundary.

"Good morning everyone!!" He greets you with closed eyes and smiles. When he didn't get any reaction from the residents, he opened his eyes only to see two gloomy ghosts sitting on the floor with cards in their hands, staring at him. One of them began to reach Kou.

"K..kou- help me.."

"W-wara!? What happened!?" Kou help the ghost up, you. He looked very concerned. All of his cheerfulness gone. You almost laughed at his expression. You wonder how someone as innocent as him and yashiro still exist. He was shocked when you held his hands weakly.

"It's number seven.." you look down, pretend to be a damsel in distress. Kou eat your acting. He glared at Hanako and began to scold him. While hanako looks blankly at him and you.

'What did I do?' Hanako thought.

"Pfft- Kou.. you are so kind!!" You laugh at his naivety. Kou felt like he just got tricked but he just doesn't know what it is. Then you explained that you and hanako have been playing cards for the whole day without a timeout. You got chopped on the head by kou.

"And here my day is ruined because of the two of you!" He scolds the both of you, especially you.

"Geez, I'm sorry, okay?" You give him a warped candy. He accepts it with a pout.

Hanako mumbled something under his breath. "Lovebirds.." you can hear hanako tch-ed at you. For some reason, he looked kind of pissed off. You don't think about it and just keep pestering kou. Hanako is being left out until nene arrives.

"Nene!" You began to call her Nene after that one event where she was kidnapped by a group of fish that wanted to take her as a bride. And that's for another time when it's time to flashback. "Whoa!! I miss you!" you hug her, wanting to make hanako jealous on purpose. You look at him through Nene's shoulder, stuck-out your tongue to hanako. That's making hanako irked a little.

"Do you want to play cards with me again?" He gave out his creepy smile. Just like how he threatened nene to turn her into a fish if she refused to obey his words. You felt creep through your spine. That's new way to torture a person. You don't want to be stuck playing the same game over and over for the whole day again. Especially when he needs to play that game with hanako.

You let nene out from your embrace, she just stared at the air with blank looks on her. Two dots on her face as eyes. She didn't think that much about your sudden action. Since she already faded up trying to understand your actions for the past few weeks being with you.

You just stand there, not knowing where to fit between the trio, it's making you miss a certain trio. "Anyways, kou! You look so happy today, is there something you want to tell us?" you tried to change the attention to kou. So that you wouldn't feel too awkward by their staring. Oh how you wish you would just be one with the walls.

"Oh yeah! I have nothing to say." you deadpan. That's it, your occupation as a ghost ends here. You buried yourself inside the wall.

"Wara!!" Nene panicked as she saw you becoming one with the wall. She quickly punches you on the stomach. Humans really love punching your stomach. Is it too good? Is there a sign telling them to punch you, especially on your stomach? You clenched your stomach, lying on the floor with comical tears falling down your cheeks.

There's four people inside the bathroom including you. You need to choose between the three of them to spend time with. Of course, you're not gonna hangout with hanako. You already see him literally every time, you need someone else. You look at Nene, your eyes sparkle since the tears are still there. Then it occurred to you, hanako is always haunting nene. So you only left with one option.

"Kouuu" you reach him. "Please take me away from him!" you rudely point your finger at hanako. Hanako pouted at your rude gesture, feeling a little offended by it.

"What do I get if I help you?" kou looks at him with judge eyes. He sees you and hanako as the same, of course he already softened a bit after meeting the both of you. But you're still a dangerous supernatural force to society.

"I'll won't disturb you in your class for a week"


The bell rings, nene and kou need to go back to their class. He grabs your wrist as you float along with the wind. He ran out of hanako's boundary while dragging you along. "See you all after classes!"

"See ya"


You let yourself float like a balloon. If you're still alive, you would vomit, floating like that. That's it if you're still alive. "Hey, kou. When are you going to let go of my hand!!" right on the que, he stops right in front of his class. He releases your hand. Staring at you. "You promised not to disturb me right?"

"I swear!"


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