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It was a rainy day—the day you lost your life.

You have been running for many hours inside a forest near the Kamome Academy. You don't even remember why you were being chased in the first place. However, you know, you definitely don't want to get caught by them. Those horrible monsters who only view human life as a plaything. There are three of them. One is big, and the other is normal-sized for a junior high school student. They are so persistent that they end your school life.

You run and run until you arrive in front of an old school building that is in heavy reconstruction. That place isn't exactly a safe place for you to hide from those monsters, but it isn't safe for those monsters either. You quickly make your way inside when you see a glimpse of those monster figures. You hide behind the staircase, reaching for anything to defend yourself. You grab a crowbar. A good weapon to fight against a zombie in the movies. You saw those monsters making their way inside the building. They seem to have split up so that it is easier to find you. The big monster just stands at the building entrance, blocking your escape. While the small monsters are doing the work of finding your hiding place,.

One of the small monsters passed by your hiding place. It didn't take you too long to smash its head, as you were hitting it in the same place again and again until you couldn't see its face. Of course, the sound would echo in that empty building. You're attracting the other two monsters. You go upstairs, leaving the dead monsters there by themselves. The other monsters saw the corpse, slowly losing their morality. Their friend is dead. They want revenge.

You only just realised it by now. You are injured. Your whole body is filled with bruises. You need to clean yourself up before the monsters come back. You go to the toilet, hoping there is at least some water to clean yourself. As expected, there are none. It is a building in construction after all, but the furniture is still there. You go to the infirmary, expecting there to be some emergency kits for you to use. Well, you found the kit, but you're more interested in looking at the ceiling. There is a big crack on it, and there is a rope attached to it. You smile in satisfaction, and you give up.

You could feel it; the monsters are here, watching every little move you make. It's the big one; the small one has already run away from the building. He is scared that one of his friends is dead. The big one stares at you with hatred in its eyes. You take a few steps back until your back hits the wall. You couldn't make an effort to run; your last option is jumping from the window. But you wouldn't jump; you want to end it here.

He would kill you with his own hands, like how he always bragged about it in class. Yeah, the monsters that have been chasing you and being the source of your suffering are your bullies. You called them monsters since you couldn't acknowledge those who hurt you as humans. They're devils with no morality. But you couldn't really hate them because, in your eyes, they're no longer worth it for you to waste your emotions on. You need to kill them, or at least the big one, so that no one else has to go through the same experience as you. Even if something like that could respawn, at least it's not the same person. Your sacrifice today will save your kind.

"You're murder," he states, stating something that you already know. Once killing a man, killing the other would make no difference. The first kill you do is against your guardian, your abuser. The police let it go since you were a school-aged kid at the time. The second is the small monster under the stairs. The third and last person would be the person in front of you.

"Yet you still provoke me, don't you?" You let out a small laugh. A small but sarcastic laugh. You hold out your hands like you want to shake his hands. He looks confused at you before he realises your hand is pulling the rope. The ceiling finally collapsed. The debris from the ceiling fell and shook the building.

"Let's go to hell together."

You feel satisfied after you look at his face in horror. The debris fell on him. You look at his bleeding body. You smile and let the debris fall on you too.

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