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As Blake grows older, Bambi starts to notice a troubling pattern. Blake constantly sneezes and sniffles, his little nose perpetually runny. No matter the season or the weather, Blake's symptoms persist, and Bambi grows increasingly worried.

Bambi: [frowning] Poor little guy, always sneezing and sniffling. I hope it's not something serious.

Belle, ever the attentive sister, also notices Blake's constant discomfort and feels concerned.

Belle: Dad, why is Blake always sick?

Bambi: I don't know, Belle. I've tried everything I can think of, but nothing seems to help.

One day, as Bambi is tending to the farm and trying to comfort a sneezing Blake, his friend Dave arrives for a visit.

Dave: Hey, Bambi! How's everything going?

Bambi: [sighing] Hey, Dave. Not great, to be honest. Blake's been sneezing and sniffling non-stop. I'm really starting to worry. I dunno how to help him.

Dave, who used to be a scientist before becoming an algebra teacher, notices Blake sneezing as Bambi spoke. His keen eye and scientific background kick in.

Dave: Let me take a look at him. I might be able to help.

Bambi nods, grateful for his friend's expertise. Dave wheels over to Blake to gently examine him, taking note of his symptoms and asking Bambi several questions.

Dave: [thoughtfully] I think I know what's going on here. It looks like Blake might have nonallergic rhinitis.

Bambi: What does that mean?

Dave: It's a condition where the nasal passages become inflamed, but it's not caused by allergies. It can be triggered by things like changes in temperature, humidity, strong odors, or even stress.

Bambi looks relieved but also concerned.

Bambi: So, it's not serious?

Dave: It's not life-threatening, but it can be uncomfortable. The good news is, we can manage it. We just need to figure out what triggers Blake's symptoms and try to minimize his exposure to those triggers.

Bambi: [nodding] Thanks, Dave. I appreciate your help. We'll do whatever it takes to make Blake feel better.

Dave: Anytime, Bambi. Let's work on a plan together.

Over the next few weeks, with Dave's guidance, Bambi and Belle make several changes around the farmhouse to help Blake. They keep the house well-ventilated, and even get over-the-counter medication for Blake. Gradually, his symptoms begin to improve, and he seems much more comfortable.

Belle: [smiling] Look, Dad! Blake's not sneezing as much anymore!

Bambi: [hugging Belle and Blake] That's right, Belle. Thanks to Uncle Dave, we know how to help Blake now.

Dave: [smiling] I'm glad I could help. Blake's a tough little guy. He'll be just fine.

Bambi, Belle, and Blake share a moment of gratitude and relief, thankful for the support of their close-knit family and friends. The farmhouse feels even more like home, filled with love, care, and understanding.

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