Mild Struggles

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Another day, Bambi sits with Belle on his lap, trying to encourage Belle to repeat after him, as she was reaching the age where most children begin to speak.

Bambi: Can you say "dada," Belle? Dada.

Belle looks up at Bambi with wide eyes, but instead of repeating the word, she babbles incoherently, her words nothing more than gibberish. Bambi's brow furrows with concern as he tries again.

Bambi: Come on, Belle. You gotta try to talk. Like this: "dada."

But once again, Belle responds with more baby talk, her attempts at speech frustratingly unintelligible. Bambi sighs, feeling a pang of worry gnaw at his chest.

Bambi: Dave, I don't get it. She ain't sayin' a lick of sense. What if somethin's wrong with her?

Dave, ever the voice of reason, wheels over to the two with a reassuring smile, placing a comforting hand on Bambi's shoulder.

Dave: Bambi, children develop at their own pace. Belle's just taking her time finding her voice, that's all.

Bambi: But what if she never learns to talk proper? What if she's... I don't know, broken or somethin'?

Dave: Hey now, none of that talk. Belle's a healthy, happy little girl. She'll talk when she's ready, you'll see.

Bambi's worries begin to ease as he takes in Dave's words of wisdom. He looks down at Belle, who gazes up at him with curious eyes, her face a picture of innocence.

Bambi: You really think so, Dave?

Dave: I know so, Bambi. Just give her time. She'll surprise you.

Bambi nods, a sense of determination settling over him. He may not understand all the ins and outs of parenting, but he knows one thing for certain: he'll be there for Belle every step of the way, no matter what challenges may arise.

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