Bruised and breathless- Austin Butler

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Request appreciated for any celebrity!!!!

The heat was oppressive, like an unwelcome lover refusing to let go. Even with the cooling vents and misting systems, it seemed as though the very air itself was in a constant state of simmer. But that was to be expected on the set of Dune: Part Two, where the crew was tasked with bringing to life the harsh, unforgiving world of Frank Herbert's vision. And amidst this sweltering cauldron of creativity, there stood Austin Butler, clad in the regal finery of his character, Feyd-Rautha. His costume, intricate and ornate, seemed to weigh heavily on him as he waited for his cue.

Next to him, Zendaya, as Chani, shifted nervously. Her gaze darted between the director, Denis Villeneuve, and her co-star, Timothée Chalamet, who played Paul Atreides. Their scene together was crucial, not only for the narrative but also for their characters' relationship. The air was thick with anticipation, and even the camera operators could feel their hands beginning to sweat around the handles of their equipment.

And then, disaster struck. One of the cameras, its metal housing heated to an almost unbearable temperature by the relentless sun, began to wobble. The camera operator, realizing that he could no longer keep his grip, released his hold on the camera...and it promptly smashed into Austin's chest. The impact sent him flying backwards, his breath whooshing out of his lungs in a rush. He landed heavily on the sand, clutching his chest in pain.

Around him, the cast and crew gasped, their expressions a mixture of shock and concern. "Are you okay?" Zendaya asked, rushing to his side. "Oh my God, that looked like it hurt." But Austin couldn't respond. He could only wheeze and gulp air, his face flushed red from the heat and the exertion. And as he lay there, trying to catch his breath, it became increasingly clear that something was very wrong.

"I think he needs medical attention," one of the crew members said, already dialing the on-set medic. The medic, a seasoned professional, hurried over and knelt beside Austin. After taking his vitals, she made a grave face. "He's hyperventilating. I need to get him to the hospital immediately." The medic helped Austin onto a gurney and rushed him off the set, leaving the cast and crew stunned and speechless.

Back on set, Timothée and Zendaya shared a worried glance. "Is he going to be okay?" Zendaya whispered, her voice barely audible over the whir of the cameras. "I hope so," Timothée replied. "He seemed really shaken up." The rest of the day was a blur for everyone involved. The crew worked around the incident, determined not to let it impact the production. But the air was heavy with the knowledge that something had shifted, something irrevocable. And as they wrapped for the day, they couldn't help but wonder what the future held for their beloved Feyd-Rautha.

Austin spent the night in the hospital, undergoing tests and treatments. The doctors diagnosed him with a cracked rib, a result of the impact from the camera. He was prescribed painkillers and instructed to rest for several days. When he finally returned to the set, there was a somber atmosphere. The cast and crew were supportive, but everyone could feel the weight of what had happened.

Their first day back together, the director called for a short break between takes. When they all gathered around, Denis addressed the group. "I want to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication," he said. "I know this hasn't been easy for any of us. But we must move forward. We must finish what we started." There was a murmur of agreement from the cast and crew.

Here is a different part I wrote, I couldn't decide which one I liked better so you get both! It's the same concept enjoy! 

As the scorching sun beat down mercilessly on the set of Dune 2, Austin Butler found himself deep in the throes of filming, embodying the character of Feyd-Rautha with intensity. Zendaya, Florence Pugh, and Timothée Chalamet were his formidable co-stars, each adding their own flair to the epic production.

Amidst the sweltering heat and the arid desert landscape, tension simmered, ready to erupt at any moment. During a particularly pivotal scene, as Austin delivered his lines with fervor, disaster struck. The camera, heated to an alarming degree, slipped from the cameraman's grasp, hurtling towards Austin with lethal force.

The impact knocked the wind out of him, his chest feeling as though it had been crushed under the weight of the camera. Panic rose within him as he struggled to draw breath, his lungs seizing in a sudden Asthma attack exacerbated by the shock and intense heat.

Frantic voices surrounded him, but their concern was tinged with confusion. No one had known about his Asthma, a condition dormant since his teenage years. Desperation mounted until the onset doctors arrived, swiftly administering an emergency inhaler to ease his labored breathing.

The following day, Austin returned to set, his chest adorned with a prominent bruise, a stark reminder of the previous day's ordeal. Despite attempts to downplay his injury, worry etched itself onto the faces of his co-stars as they beheld the extent of the bruise.

During a choreographed fight scene with Timothée, a sharp pain lanced through Austin's chest as Timothée's blow landed, albeit softly. Agony flared, causing Austin to halt mid-scene, clutching his side and chest where the bruise lay.

Concerned murmurs rippled through the cast and crew as they implored Austin to reveal the source of his distress. His silence spoke volumes, prompting them to summon the on-site medic for a thorough examination.

The diagnosis was grim: a cracked rib, the consequence of the camera's brutal impact. Despite his stoic facade, Austin's pain was palpable, a reminder of the fragility that lay beneath the veneer of Hollywood glamour.

With each breath, he was reminded of his mortality, a reminder that even amidst the grandeur of filmmaking, he was but human, vulnerable to the whims of fate. Yet, in the face of adversity, he persevered, a testament to his resilience in the pursuit of cinematic excellence.

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