Jojo and Solo

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Friday Night Smackdown May 12th, 2023

As the Bloodline made their entrance they all walked past and glanced at the World Heavyweight Championship that was prompted up by the entranceway all with different reactions. The Tribal Chief and the Wiseman smirked knowing the title was coming back to the Bloodline, Solo didn't even glance towards it and the Usos looked at it nervously.

Once they all enter the ring Roman starts off like always being passed the mic by the Wiseman. The Tribal Chief starts "Acknowledge me!" The crowd cheered Roman as he soaked it in.

"You see that's what greatness garners. It garners respect. But regardless of actions or not this is one thing that must be respected. There is a lot of talk about royal families and families of importance in wrestling. Let's be honest there is only one. Every member of the Bloodline did their part at Wrestlemania, whether that may be setting the pace for the night by smashing John Cena to open the show or main eventing both nights of Wrestlemania. We all did our part.

"And we kept that success pushing into Backlash. Even when the Tribal Chief isn't there. Somebody got to step up." Roman rhetorically asks "Who stepped up this time? The same ones who always step up. They delivered once again." Roman heads dart to Solo "Jojo and Solo stepped up."

The Tribal chief moves around standing next to Solo "I got to tell you. There was a little concern when we first got Solo on the road. Because let's be honest he's in the ring he's in the ring with some of the best of all time." Roman stopped himself "Excuse me, not some of the best of all time. The very best of all time."

The Tribal Chief says proudly "When you get thrown in the deep end let's be honest Solo swims like a shark just like his twin. Maybe it's a twin thing because whenever there is a problem they eliminate it. Look at the Riddle problem handled right. Jojo even took it a step further and dismantled him again two nights later on Raw."

Solo muttered, "What about KO and Sami?"

Roman repeats "What? KO and Sami" Roman laughed "This is how good he is. He's still thinking about KO and Sami. He's still concerned about the KO and Sami problem. Solo Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn-"

Roman stops with a smile of disbelief as the crowd chants "Sami. Sami. Sami."

The Tribal Chief says "Don't worry about that. Trust me they aren't a problem. The problem isn't Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn but there is a problem. There is a real problem, there is an actual problem. No, it's not Sami and Kevin. The problem is your brothers.

Roman clarifies "I'm not talking about your twin Jojo. He's making our family proud on Raw. He's going to become the inaugural World Heavyweight Champion as he brings back the title to the Bloodline as we become the first family to have two different members as World Champions at the same time."

The crowd cheers as the Tribal Chief moves on pointing at the older brothers "I'm talking about these two. Your older brothers."

(1.46 to end)

A/N If I don't include something that happened assume I kept it the same. This chapter was short on purpose because the next chapter is where the date finally happens. Also, this chapter is short because nothing else can go with it and the next chapter is best kept alone. Also I'm just going to write the changes to these sort of things because I don't want to write out something that stays the exact same. 

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