Chapter 18

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We currently see Shigaraki in his living room. When he saw what condition the four people who had landed in his backyard were in he immediately called for Asia and Tiamat to come down. He had asked the two of them to try to heal their wounds. He didn't how they ended up in this condition but knew he had to help them. He had told the residence in his house he would be taking a quick stroll to clear his mind.


He had been walking for quite a while before he stopped and realized he was in the same bridge where he had met Raynare. He decided to lean forward against the bridge before calling out to someone.

Shigaraki: I know you're there ash crow so there's no use in hiding.

Descending from the sky was a seemingly 40 year old man who had black hair white blonde highlights. He had 12 jet black wings that were as black as the night itself. This was the leader of the fallen angels Azazel. He was also leaning up against the bridges wall just a few feet away from Shigaraki.

Azazel: Heh I'm not surprised that the lost Gremory was able to detect me after I saw your match against the Phenex.

Shigaraki: So you saw that?

Azazel: Are you kidding me? That match was broadcasted all throughout the supernatural, everyone saw that match.

Shigaraki could only chuckle to himself thinking about what chaos he had gotten himself into.

Shigaraki: So why are you really here?

Azazel: Well I wanted to see first hand what you were like and I have to say I'm impressed, The current White Dragon Emperor is quite the battle maniac so he is quite ecstatic to fight you.

Shigarki: Tell him that our fight will happen soon I still have a few personal matters to attend to.

Azazel nodded before flying away presumably back to his base of operations. Shigaraki spent a few more minutes at the bridge before heading back home. He finally made it home he opened the door and walked into the living room and saw Dabi, Toga, Twice, Spinner and Compress sitting on the chairs and couches. He had noticed however that the Girl named Eri was hiding behind where Toga was sitting.

Spinner: Hey Tomura Dabi and Toga filled us in on the current situation.

Twice: It makes complete sense. IM SO CONFUSED

Compress: Though I have to say it is quite interesting. A world where supernatural beings exists is quite amazing.

Shigaraki: Yeah. Hey toga why is she hiding behind you?

He pointed his finger towards Eri who hid when attention was being drawn towards her.

Toga: Well when me and twice were infiltrating the Yakuza I got bored and decided to do some drawing with her.


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Shigaraki: I see.

He made his way towards her and crouched down so he was at her level.

Shigaraki: I know you are scared of considering what I did in our previous life and you have every right to. But I want you all to know that I'm am trying to change. I don't want to kill people just to kill I want to prove those who are dear to me. I want you to be one of those people. You don't have to believe me but I want you to know that.

All of the league members widen there eyes at what he had said never in a million years would they have thought the bratty man child they had first met
Would change this much. Eri however made her way towards him slowly before hugging his leg.

Eri: you may have been a bad man before but if Deku-Chan wanted to save you so badly then you can't be that terrible.

Shigaraki widen his eyes before crying tears of happiness. All of the league members looked on with smiles on their faces at the cute moment happening in front of them. Shigaraki only wished that these peaceful moments would continue. But little did he know this was she calm before the storm.

End of chapter

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