General work...

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The Korean war was still in war but the city of Pyongyang was finally taken after a bloody battle which costed the lives of 400,000 people. And also the supreme leader or dictator Kim Jong un  was evacuated with his family to China in Beijing. The Chinese troops tried to hold the front but the allies continued to push up to North Korea's border. Then the pyromaniac supreme leader decided to launch the first Nuclear weapon of the war. It was directed straight at the city of Tokyo. Luckily though it was only an Atomic bomb which doesn't do as much damage as Hydrogen Nuclear bombs.

However still 100,000 people died in the attack and another 50,000 were injured from radiation poisoning and the blast of the shockwave. The war still had no end in sight. As the North Korean troops were falling back with the Chinese army to a defensive line on the river border with China. America began to send men back which was a crucial mistake in the making because the allies in Korea couldn't hold the front on their own. And China would launch a counterattack which would drive them back into North Korea. And undo all the progress they had achieved. But it was time that would tell before anything major happened.

Texas city, Government military base
June 9th 2024                                 9:34AM

At the government military base the General over viewing his plans for the war was abruptly stopped after a informant soldier told him at the door he had got a letter. The General asked for the letter to be handed over so he could see what it was about.

General:"Let's see what's inside this letter probably just taxes and dumb articles on random crap..."

"Oh nevermind this seemed to be fro- AH HENRY! This is good let's see, might aswell inform his wife while were at it because she is here currently but I don't know where Charles is I need to find him."

General Galeforce then opens the letter to reveal the shocking news inside...

Dear General Galeforce,

I have just recently had a major injury as I was shot in my left Kidney by enemy troops. And I just had surgery at the Seoul international hospital. And I'm recoving slowly from my injuries. I just hope that my wife daughter and best friend is all okay as I assume you know who they are. I will try to come home to base as soon as possible. However no news or information has been given to me for me to come home to base yet.

Your dearest Sincerely, Sergeant Stickmin.

The General was very amused by the news and informed Charles and Ellie to return to the office building quickly. Surely enough they were both waiting there patiently for the answers.

General.G:"So I have received some news from Henry! And heres what he has to say..."

Charles and Ellie:"OMG IS HE OKAY, HOW IS HE, WHERE IS HE?!?!?"

General.G:"*Chuckles* Hold your horses there buckos Henry is live and well and is recovering in a Hospital in South Korea in Seoul. He had sustained an injury from a Bullet that was fired into his left Kidney but Surgery was done and hes healthy!"

Charles and Ellie take a massive sigh of relief as they haven't heard a response in months from Henry since the last letter that Ellie received that they were on the assault to take Pyongyang. Ellie after all was only 4 months away from giving birth to their expected baby boy. However her health condition was starting to become a hazard. Her right leg was swelling up and her arm joints were becoming stiff and inflamed. Charles still helped much as he could in his free time but sometimes it was now too much to do on his own. So he always calls in Rupert every now and again for support. Which comes in handy for when he needs it.

The General was still busy dealing with the regiment in the camp as supplying the war effort for America was no easy task to do. Russian troops had been halted outside the gates of Berlin. And the front was stabilised as reserves had arrived to the front. However the NATO troops were still outnumbered by the Russians. As the Russians had 2,500,000 men and NATO had 2,000,000 men. But they were better equipped and trained.
Polish troops despite their country being destroyed off the map of Earth still fought side by side with their allies and NATO. Vietnamese troops had invaded into China but they too were also halted only 150 miles across the borders. By a strong defense in the Jungle terrain of Indochina. CSTO was engaged as Kazakhstan declared war on the allies.

The General was needing to constantly sign paperwork to send tanks and supplies to Europe. And it was starting to become expensive because he was running out of tanks and vehicles to use incase of an attack internally. However by the day he was getting more frustrated as he kept losing his armoured vehicles and Tanks to the war. Ellie was there to greet him...

Ellie:"Hi General what are you doing right now?"

General.G:"Nothing really but these stupid f*cking pieces of paperwork I need to do everyday because of the war going on in Europe I have to send away my tanks and supplies there."

Ellie:"Is the war going anywhere at the moment because it's been about a year since the war began?"

General.G:"The war still has no end in sight I'm afraid, the Eastern powers are winning the war. But we will have them in the end overtime they will collapse to the ground and lose."

Ellie:"All I just want is my beloved Husband to come home and be safe."

Her face begins to tear up...

Ellie:"I dont want to lose the love of my life, hes my whole world! And I can't raise two kids on my own."

General.G:"Its okay Dear! Henry will be all okay he just had surgery and is out of combat for the time being. He may have a chance to come home after he recovers from his injuries."

Ellie:"Okay, are you sure though?"

General.G:"I am absolutely sure he will come home he is a highly skilled agent of mine after all."

Ellie:"If you say so..."

Henry was still recovering in the Seoul international hospital and the war was still far from over. Israeli troops were forced to retreat from across the Suez canal as the Egyptian and Libyan forces built up at Cairo and attacked with a strong counter offensive into the Middle east. America sent reserve troops to Israel as their war industry would not be enough to sustain the whole war effort. Against all its neighbouring countries. So the men were sent to the Mediterranean. While the Greek and Italian navy bombarded Egyptian and Libyan positions. Forcing them to halt their advance into the middle east. In Kashmir the war was more than just a bloodbath. 4,000,000 men on Chinese and Pakistani troops and 3,500,000 Indian troops were battling for their Capital New Delhi. As Chinese troops pushed to the outskirts of the city and the bloodiest battle of the war so far was about to happen. 1,500,000 Chinese troops vs 900,000 Indian troops for the city of New Delhi.

This would surely reach casualty rates the same or even above Stalingrad. The battle that turned the tide of the war on the Eastern front during WW2 into the allies favour. As Germany lost its offensive capabilities in 1943. The Chinese were going to launch an attack on the city with a full charge attack as the Chinese army outnumbered the Indians 3:1 so they took the chance...
Kashmir was the world's most disputed area in the world. And battles were surely going to cost millions of lives.

Another longer chapter! See you in the next one!

A Couple at Stake (Henry X Ellie)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن