Into the Dungeon

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Yoo Jin coughed then coughed and coughed again.

What the hell? he thought to himself as he found himself falling forward onto his hands and knees.

A buzzing sensation was permeating every inch of his skin. He had felt it first when he had walked over the threshold of the dungeon doors in the ceremony room. The walk from there into the dungeon seemed to take a lifetime and swirls of multicolor lights waving about him as he walked. The buzzing had started off small, light, at the tips of his fingertips but by the time they had reached their destination, it had pervaded his entire body, spinning him off his axis and propelling him onto the ground.

Chief Tak and the doctor had told him that the door he had walked through was a portal invented by the Academy to transport wizards to any tagged dungeon location. It was created to cut down transportation time that could take days or even weeks but no one had told him that the sensation would be anything but pleasant.

No, forget that. It had been downright painful.

He gasped, his hand clutching painfully against his chest as he tried to take a deep breath. It felt like needles were penetrating every inch of his skin, the buzzing sensation following with every puncture.

He frowned when he finally caught his breath. The sensation had felt vaguely familiar though not entirely similar to what he had felt when he had been in the 'ghost'.

"Are you okay?" came a voice from above him.

Yoo Jin looked up and met the eyes of the tall, young alpha. He nodded and with the alpha's help, stood.

"They should have warned us about that," Yoo Jin said as he took another deep breath.

"About what?" the alpha replied curiously.

"Going through the portal. I thought I was going to die."

The alpha looked at him then blinked. "Um, well, I suppose the pressure was a little uncomfortable."


"Don't tell me that you're already like this because of a teleportation portal," came another voice and Yoo Jin turned to look at the other two alphas that had stood beside them in the ceremony hall. The one that spoke had a mole beneath his left eye but other than that, he looked like any other young alpha Yoo Jin had seen before. "As expected of an omega," he continued, then turned to his friend, who stood beside him. "I don't know what the Council was thinking, an omega wizard – they've got to be joking."

His friend nodded, his dark auburn hair swaying slightly with the movement. "It's probably an additional variable to our test. There is no way an omega is a wizard. That's an alpha's privilege."

They both turned to him and Yoo Jin's brow rose in anticipation.

"Prove it to us."

He sighed. "What?"

"That you're a wizard."

Yoo Jin scratched his head. "Why?"

The boy with the mole looked at him as if he was dumb. "Because we said so. Aren't omegas supposed to listen to alphas?"

Yoo Jin took a moment to gaze at their faces. For some reason the demanding, petulant looks made their youth more evident, like spoiled children. "How old are you?" he asked.

The alpha with the mole scoffed. "Why do we need to tell you?"

Yoo Jin shrugged. "You don't, just like in the same way I don't need to do anything you ask of me."

"What the hell are you talking about? You need to listen to us. You're an omega and we're alphas."

"Yeah, I am an omega. What of it?"

The Impossible Virgin Omega WizardWhere stories live. Discover now