Virgin (Part 1)

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"It's not bleeding and you do not have rabies," said the doctor in a dry voice.

The alpha Tae Hyun glared at Yoo Jin who sat on the chair beside the bed he occupied. "You said you had rabies."

Yoo Jin shrugged, giving him his best innocent expression. At first, he had not planned on replying but then thought better of it. "Better safe than sorry. I thought maybe I got it after getting bitten by one of these huge monkey dogs that I came across while foraging in the mountains." He raised his arms wide and high up in the air as he stood. "I was sure it had rabies. It was this big and its eyes were darting from side to side, white foam spilled from its mouth and gray vomit–"

"Alright," the alpha yelled, his face having turned slightly green.

Yoo Jin sat back down with a smirk. Serves him right for having dragged Yoo Jin back into this room like a rotten sack of rice and unceremoniously dropping him on the floor despite knowing that he was still reeling from the effects of his pheromones.

Doctor Yoon sighed. "There are no monkey dogs, Tae Hyun," he said. "I can't believe you just believed him like that and after I had just examined his sister's bite as well."

"What kind of siblings bite people," Tae Hyun said in a tone full of bewildered outrage.

Yoo Jin shrugged. "Apparently, our kind."

The alpha's grimaced. "Why am I not surprised? An ill-mannered omega, the world is full of you."

Yoo Jin rolled his eyes. There he goes again with the omega talk. "Yeah, that's right," he said as he stood, "I'm an ill-mannered omega." He then made a show of sniffling and wiping his nose on the back of his hand before extending it toward the alpha.

Tae Hyun, horrified, inched backward in the bed until he hit the wall behind him.

"Enough," said the doctor, though he looked amused and a bit perplexed. He turned to Yoo Jin. "It's rare to find someone who talks to him like that and while I find that amusing, I think, for now, it might be best if you don't agitate him too much."

Yoo Jin paused and wiped the back of his hand on his own shirt, enjoying the look of disgust on the alpha's face. "Alright," he said and sat back down.

The doctor turned back to Tae Hyun. "Like I said, you don't have rabies but your pheromones are extremely unstable even now I feel a significant leak coming from you."

Tae Hyun turned to look at Yoo Jin. "I had told you, hadn't I? Just become my omega already. You can do it as thanks for saving you."

Yoo Jin looked at him, bewildered. Was he really suggesting that Yoo Jin sleep with him as thanks? He had already decided to accept the offer but the alpha's twisted thoughts made him want to shove it back down his throat. He opened his mouth to tell him exactly what he could do with his proposal when the doctor spoke up again.

"Mr. Tae, I'll just call you Yoo Jin if that's okay. Can you please lift up your arms again?"

Confused, Yoo Jin did as instructed.

"I'd like you to do, say, ten jumps while moving your arms up and down."

Yoo Jin raised his brow but performed the exercises.

Doctor Yoon pulled out a small notebook from his coat and quickly jotted down a note. "And you said that you were exposed to Tae Hyun's pheromones along with the two alphas?"

He nodded. "Who are they anyways?"
The doctor didn't look up from his notebook as he responded. "They are hunters, alpha wizards, who go into dungeons for damage control and raids."

The Impossible Virgin Omega WizardWhere stories live. Discover now