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I could always see that ice cream truck whenever I walked to my house from community college. It felt weird, yes, but I know they're probably just a neighborhood ice cream truck vendor. I mean, they did show up about 3 weeks ago, so they probably are new around here. 

At the moment, I'm walking out of my community college. My feet hit the stone path out of the lot and I got to the streets. I run across the street to get to the sidewalks and continue my slow pace walk. I pull out my phone while I walk and text my online friend. We had met not too long ago, but they are pretty nice to me.

"Hi." I text to them, waiting for a reply. I look up from my phone as I walk, seeing the full trees that have such green leaves. There weren't many kids out, but it makes sense. They aren't out of school yet and won't be for about an hour or so. "Hi Y/n." They texted back. My phone buzzed, so I looked down at my phone and smiled a bit.

"Heyyy what's up!" I texted back. Almost immediately, I got a response. "Nothing much. Just driving for work." I continued walking and texted him back. "That's cool. I just got done with my classes and oh my gosh my one professor almost blew up the classroom. It was hilarious." I chuckled a bit when I remembered my professor setting gas on fire and the room almost blowing up today.

"Wow, that's insane. You're not hurt though?" I texted him back. It was nice for someone to ask if I was hurt or not. That was kinda nice. "No, I'm fine." I could see my house ahead and so I texted a simple: "Sorry, gotta go. Just got home." I put my phone away in my pocket and walked up to my porch steps, going up them. 

I walked to the door and unlocked it, slipping inside. I locked the door behind me and was greeted by absolutely nobody again. I took my backpack off and hung it on a hook in the wall. I then walked to my kitchen and got some water, taking a sip of it. I set the glass down on the counter and looked in the fridge. "Shit... out of food again..." I mumbled to myself. I can't believe I forgot to go to the store before coming back. 

Without much thinking, I just grabbed some old leftovers and chugged it down. I threw the container in the sink and put some water in it to soak. I walked through my house and went to the living room. I could see a familiar truck pass by the window. It was the ice cream truck again. It seems they are finally awake and up again. I saw it stop not too far down from my house and a few tiny kids dragged their parents to it. 

I looked in my window as the ice cream guy handed the ice cream out to the kids. The parents paid for them and then they all dispersed, leaving the truck alone again. I sat down in my living room and turned on the TV, watching a random movie that came on. 

I think an hour passed before I remembered I needed groceries. I got off my lazy ass and stomped through the house, getting my cloth grocery bag and keys. I set to my door and went out, locking the door behind me. I walked down my porch steps and started walking on the sidewalks, going down to the grocery store. 

The sky was getting slightly darker now. Kids were going In for supper and people were inside. Play time was over and night was falling. I sighed and saw the sky, noticing it was getting darker. "I just had to watch that movie." I mumbled to myself as I walked. 

You would have thought the ice cream truck was gone, but no. I could still hear its friendly tune in the air. Just about to the store, I glanced to my side and saw the truck right beside me. I didn't notice it driving up. I mean, who would? Cars drive by all the time. We never pay attention.

I paused for a minute and looked in, seeing the ice cream man in the driver's window. "Hello?" I said, nearing the truck's window. He popped right around with a smile. The man wore a simple, fun reindeer beanie. He also had a red nose and blue paint over his eyes. I smiled a bit.

He waved to me and pointed to some ice cream flavors. I looked over at the boards and saw so many flavors of ice cream. While I was doing this, he was getting some ice cream in the back. He turned around and faced me again, leaning over the window. He was close up near me and had an ice cream cone in his hand. It was a nice blue shade of ice cream, probably cotton candy.

He smiled at me and nodded towards the cone. "Oh, um. Thank you?" I reached into my pocket and grabbed about my wallet, going to get some money to pay for it. He waved his hand, stopping me. I looked over at him as he pointed to my wallet and shook his hand to it. "Are you sure?" I questioned. He nodded to me, so I put my wallet back into my pocket.

I took the ice cream cone from him. "Thank you very much... Mr..." I looked at his name tag. "Callahan. I like that name." I smiled at him, and he smiled back. I turned away from him and continued my walk. I tasted the ice cream and It was very good. Though I thought it was cotton candy, it was actually some sour fruit kind. Not sure which, but it was pretty sour.

Once I got to the grocery store, I ate the rest of the ice cream cone as I shopped. I got everything I needed quickly, not wanting to get home at night, and checked out at the front. The total wasn't too big this time, and I grabbed the receipt. I walked through the sliding door and started feeling a bit tired. I felt like I could just fall asleep on the grass or just about anywhere. I got into the parking lot, and started walking to the street.

I stopped all of a sudden, seeing the ice cream truck in the parking lot. I tilted my head, seeing the ice cream man, Callahan, leaning against the window ledge and smiling at me. I blinked a few times, feeling pretty dizzy. I stumbled over my own feet as I blinked again. He disappeared from the window, making me wonder where he went. 

I kept hold of my grocery bag from home as he reappeared in front of the truck, standing on the ground now. He just stood there. Within a flash, I became lightheaded and started to stumble over my own two feet. Callahan, within another blink, started to run over to me, which got me nervous. I attempted to run, but only felt a tug on my hair. 

I got pushed down to the ground and I couldn't help but lay there. Everything seemed to go wild and spin for me. I could feel hands on me and I tried to scream, not knowing if I actually did or not. Can anybody hear me now? My eyes became blurry and I slipped out of consciousness. 

He picked her body up and brought it over to the truck, loading her into the back. He ran around to the driver door and opened it, hopping up and in. He sat in the driver's seat and started up the truck, glancing around the parking lot, seeing no one. Her bag lay there on the concrete, all alone. Nobody would have heard or seen her. No, he was too clever for that to ever happen.

Callahan glanced back and saw her on the floor, unconscious from the tainted ice cream flavor he made himself. A grin stretched across his face as he stepped on the pedal, making the truck move forward. He started to drive through the neighborhood, passing her home. It stood there, watching its resident get taken.

He got back to his own place. Where? Who knows. Trees were around it, not suburban homes where she lived. Callahan parked the truck in the garage and got off the seat, stepping back into the truck's body. He kneeled down and scooped her delicate body up. With a shove, he pushed open the back doors and hopped down from the truck, landing on the garage's concrete floor.

The door from the garage was opened and he stepped through, closing it behind himself. Arms still snuggly held her to his chest as he walked her down into the basement, setting her down in a huge furry bean bag. He walked over to a bin and grabbed out a fluffy blanket, throwing it over her. He made sure she was alright before walking back upstairs, locking the door. She laid there, under a blanket in the dark. 

Could anyone hear her now?

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