Chapter 42

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Eleanora was extremely embarrassed. Lucifer, Angel and surprisingly Hades had yet to stop laughing. Damon was smiling while Hunter was scowling as usual. Vincent and William were pretty neutral.

"Stop laughing already." She whined, displeased at their childish behaviour.

"Well, not gonna lie but it was really funny. Imagine my surprise, finding you blacked out in his arms." Lucifer said between his laughs.

"Isn't he a bit too old for you?" Angel asked teasingly.

"Shut up!" Nora had enough. She growled out but it only made Angel and Lucifer laugh even harder. At this, even Hunter snorted a bit.

"That was a 'adorkable' sound you made." Hades commented.

However, Nora ignored him. She did not forget yet that he had not wished her birthday instead carelessly threw a messily wrapped gift at her face as her birthday present.

She glared at him but he felt too lazy to glare back. Instead, he went to sleep.

'Nap was always better than mindless arguing.'

Seeing none other option left, Nora helplessly looked at William who had just finished his breakfast.


William looked at his little sister, his face blank but now Nora knew better.

"They are being mean." She complained.

"Don't tease your sister." William said, looking at Angel and Lucifer with blank stare.

"But it was fun. Oh well." Angel commented and proceeded to finish his food.

Nora smiled brightly at William who returned her smile with a bit of same gesture. It was barely visible but it was there.


Days later, Nora and Angel were on their way back to home from school.

"How was your day?" Angel asked casually.

"Ehh boring. I wanted more breaks but I'm happy that I got to see Anastasia again. Did you see her? She was smiling a lot today. I'm glad that she is fine and she got closer to her family." Nora said, barely containing a smile off her face.

Angel was about to nod but something caught his eye. Somehow, Nora noticed this sudden twitch in his mood.

"Is everything alright?" She asked quietly.

"Hmm." Angel unconsciously let out a hum and speeded up.

Nora immediately understood what was going on and clutched her seat belt in death grip.

Angel texted Damon who was closer to his location and looked at Nora who was deathly pale.

"Everything will be fine. Alright? You trust me right?" Angel reached for her hand and squeezed it.

"I do. But I'm scared to d-die." She responded shakily.

"You won't! Not today, stupid girl." Angel poked her forehead with his finger just to annoy her. But this time she did not retaliate.

There was silence between them for a moment and suddenly something hit their car from behind. Angel placed his arm in front of Nora so she would not get hit.

"ANGEL!" A panicked scream left her mouth as suddenly a truck came in front of their car.

Angel let out a small curse and swiftly turned the car.

"Hang on tight, Nora!" He yelled urgently as he saw their car being surrounded. He turned it to the dirt path.

Nora shut her eyes tightly and curled her arms around herself tightly.

Angel swore under his breath as he noticed that he could not apply brakes. He tried the emergency brake but it was not working. That's when he understood that someone deliberately tampered with the car and what might happen next.

He looked at Nora calmly.

"Nora! We need to jump out."

She looked up at him with wide eyes. That was when she noticed that the car was going down with high speed and it was reaching the end of hill.

"The brakes are not working." Her mouth dried at his words.

"B-but Ange--"

"We don't have much time. It's just a matter of seconds." Before they fall to their death was left unsaid.

He breathed out and in a swift move, opened her door.

"I'm sorry, Nora."

"Angel wa--"

She did not get to finish her sentence because he pushed her out of the car.

Nora screamed out loudly as she collided against the rocks. Her hands instinctively covered her face as her breath knocked out in the process.

She clutched her stomach tightly where a pointy rock stabbed her skin. Picking herself up slightly, she realized that Angel was nowhere to be seen.

"No no no no. He should have jumped out too."

Panicking, she tried to run but gasped, falling down on her knees at the sudden pain that flamed in her leg.

Her leg was broken and twisted. It was horrifying to look at.

She deliberately tried to ignore it and tried to crawl. Her movements stilled as she heard a pair of footsteps.

Looking up, her eyes fell on couple of masked guys. They cornered her like predators.

"W-what do y-you want?" She whimpered weakly.

They did not respond instead they just stared.

Soon another man joined them.

"He's dead."

Nora froze feeling like a wave of cold freezing water was thrown at her. Her bottom lip quivered.

"A-angel." She whimpered.

Why did he not get out?

Suddenly the man who was standing between them approached her. He knelt down in front of her and took a hold of her chin.

She was in too much shock that she did not even realize.

"One by one, Nora!"

The strange man whispered in her ear, effectively snapping her out of her daze.

"You will witness their death one by one!"

Goosebumps travelled, along her skin.

He gripped her chin tightly and let out a breathy chuckle that sounded chilly to her ears.

She did not realize as he walked away and motioned for his men to follow.

She could only hear his laughter, his threat and Angel's apology. The voices mingled together.

Her teeth sunk into her bottom lip with enough strength to draw out blood. Tears streamed down her eyes like endless river.

Thus, she screamed.


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Author Davina!

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