Chapter 41

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On the other side, Hunter had his gun pointed at Zack's side.

"Do you want me to take your life, Zack?" He asked calmly while pushing the gun into his ribs.

Zach winced at the pain. But looked right at Hunter.

"You have given me this life. It does not matter if you want to take it."

Hunter's eyes narrowed in dangerous slits.

"For fuck sake Zack!" He shouted and removed his gun. He threw it away, across the room.

Zack unconsciously whimpered at the loud sound. Tears filled the corner of his eyes and his lips quivered.

He was all ready to start bawling his eyes out when suddenly Hunter pulled him into a hug.

"FUCKING Idiot! Don't make me angry again and don't say things like that!"

Zack hugged the older man back and broke down, crying loudly.

Hunter huffed in annoyance and held the once broken man close to his chest.

Flashback*** 10 years ago...

An 18 year old Hunter cursed under his breath and pounded at the metal door.

Just as he considered about breaking it off its hinges, it suddenly opened by a terrified looking teenager.

"Y-yes?" He asked fearfully, ducking his face down. His bangs were hiding half of his face.

"Maxim! Is he here?" Hunter grumbled.

The boy shook his head frantically.

"Mr. M-maxim is n-not here, S-sir."

The poor boy was shaking like a leaf in fear.

"That son of a bitch!"

"Get away." Hunter pushed the boy away and entered.

"GET THE FUCK OUT, YOU LITTLE PUNK!" Hunter roared out.

"S-sir p-p-please. Y-you can't..." The boy pleaded with tears lining down his cheeks as he pulled himself up from the floor.

Hunter looked up at him with a glare on his face.

"You! Shut your mouth! Or I won't hesitate to cut off your tongue!" Hunter threatened aggressively.

The poor boy trembled under his gaze.

Suddenly Hunter looked at his trembling form carefully. If Hunter had the correct information, Maxim lived alone. He did not even have any servant.

"Who the fuck are you?"

When the boy didn't answer, Hunter took a threatening step towards him. He grabbed his wrist. The poor boy yelped...

Hunter glared.

He pulled the sleeve of his shirt up and stared at his purple and badly bruised wrist.

"P-please don't h-hurt me." He pleaded.

"Shut up! Just tell me, what's your name?" Hunter asked angrily and left his wrist.


"Hmph. Zack huh? How old are you?"

"S-sixteen s-sir."

"And, what the hell are you doing here?" Hunter inquired.


"I don't have the whole day! Just answer!" Hunter snapped.

"I-I am an o-orphan. M-mr. Maxim t-took me f-from the o-orphanage t-two years a-ago." Hunter stared blankly at the tears hitting the wooden floor.

Hunter took a step forward. He brushed the boy's bangs away from his face.

Hunter stared like a menace as his eyes fell on Zack's black eyes. The bruises were very cruel to look at.

Suddenly, Hunter grabbed his hand.

"S-sir..?" Zack questioned fearfully.

"Hunter! Call me Hunter. You are coming with me."

"B-b-but Mr. M-maxim--" He started to say.

"That abusive piece of shit is going to rot in hell from now."

With these words, Hunter took Zack with him.

He gave him one of a villa his family owned after getting William's permission. From Zack's therapy to studies, Hunter took everything as his own responsibility.

Four years later, Hunter gave another position to Zack as his second in commander. Since that moment, they both are together and they both know what they feel but never admitted out loud in front of each other.

*********Flashback clear

Eleanora hummed a tone under her breath and climbed the stairs slowly. It was her best birthday and she knew it was going to be stored forever in her brain as a most treasured memory.

She was lost in thought that she did not even see as Dominic passed by her. As he moved by her side and just then she noticed, she did not understand for a second but she actually yelled out.

"Err wait!" He paused in the middle of the stairs.

She froze as realization hit her and he turned to face her.

Her eyes widened.

Why did she call him suddenly?

Her cheeks turned bright red and her heart started pounding in her chest.

He stared at her, his face gave away nothing. No sign of irritation or hurry. His face looked completely blank replica of her brothers.

"A-actually-- nevermind!" She hurriedly turned around to run upstairs, thinking about strangling herself but her foot twisted in the steps.

A yelp escaped her lips as she found herself falling. Just as she thought, this was the end. Arms wrapped around her waist. She looked up to find Dominic's face. To her utter shock, there was a slight smirk on his face, pouring fuel in the humiliation.

Her vision became wobbly all of a sudden and Eleanora O'Crimson promptly fainted in Dominic's arms.

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