26. Wispwood

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I was exhausted, both physically and mentally, because for the past week, I had been following the same routine.

My mornings would start with Ezra making me climb that mountain every day. Then, after returning from there, I had to endure Genesis's indirect taunts at the breakfast table.

All the while, I also had to focus on maintaining my concentration to keep the walls around my mind up and that door closed so Zev couldn't slip in.

Even now, it felt like he was relentlessly pounding on the door of my mind, trying to slip in. Yet, with determined resolve, I kept him at bay, despite the pounding pressure that threatened to split my skull with a relentless headache.

As I sat on the porch, soaking in the morning sun's comforting warmth, I flipped another page of the book recounting werewolf history. Despite the familiar content, I found myself captivated by its words, drawn into the narrative once more.

It was then that Kyler emerged from the front door, his vibrant red hair aglow in the sunlight, a striking sight against the backdrop of the serene morning.

"Hey, Neev," he greeted.

"Hey," I replied, my gaze drifting to the gardening tools he held. "Where are you headed with those?"

Kyler's expression darkened. "It's my turn to tend to the garden," he explained, a hint of annoyance coloring his tone. "If I don't, Ezra's going to have my head."

At his words, my eyebrows went up in surprise. "He really does love his plants, doesn't he?"

"Tell me about it," Kyler chuckled. "He's like a botanist on steroids," he quipped, gesturing exaggeratedly. "If he wanted to channel that level of obsession into something else, he should consider getting a girlfriend. At least they don't require watering twice a day!"

We both erupted into laughter, picturing Ezra's reaction to such a proposition. As our laughter subsided, I shook my head, a grin lingering on my lips.

"Can you imagine Ezra actually trying to maintain a girlfriend like one of his plants?" I pondered aloud. "He'd probably have a detailed watering schedule, with reminders for fertilizer and everything."

Kyler chuckled once more. "Absolutely," he agreed. "And he'd be carrying around a spray bottle everywhere he goes, just in case she gets thirsty."

We both dissolved into laughter again, envisioning the absurd scenario of Ezra earnestly misting his hypothetical girlfriend during dinner dates and movie nights.

My cheeks began to ache from the continuous laughter, a sensation I hadn't felt in a long while.

"Where did he go, though?" I wondered aloud, realizing I hadn't seen him since our mountain climbing session.

"He's off somewhere," Kyler answered, focusing on pulling weeds from the flower bed. "He won't be back for another two days."

I couldn't help but release a sigh of relief. Thank goodness—I wouldn't have to face that mountain again for at least another two days.

Casting a glance at Kyler, I observed him grappling with the stubborn weeds. "Need any help?" I offered.

He shook his head, sweat beading on his forehead. "I've got it," he insisted. "You just enjoy your book."

I sighed softly, refocusing on the pages before me. Despite my efforts to lose myself in the story, my mind continued to drift.

The tranquility enveloping us was calming, a serene cocoon of silence, until it was abruptly shattered.

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