Girls Night! (Owens POV)

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Hey y'all! Thank you for reading! I just wanted to say that before I started writing. (I definitely know what I'm doing! 😄👍)

So there I am, just working on my house. It looks so good! All the rooms are completed, I just need to make a balcony and I should be done. It's a really nice day out! Maybe I can invite the farmer rat to come over and hang out outside.

*Knock knock*

There was some knocking on my door, so I went to go see who it was.

"Oh, hello Bex, how are you doing?" I asked as I opened the door.

"Oh, ummm." She was giggling, I could barely understand her. "Soooooo, tonight do you.. PFT!!! Sorry sorry! I'm not laughing at you.. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Ok, ok ok ok... I'm done." She took a big deep breath, "so do you want to come hang out later tonight at my place?"

I have no idea what's going on. "Um, are you going to do something to me?"

"WHAT? No... we-, I mean uh I just wanna hang out with you! Is that really a crime?" She put on an innocent face.

"Fine, what time do you want me to come over?"

"8. BYE!!!!!" She scurried away into the distance.

I went inside, then I went up to my room and laid down on my bed. I don't know what's going on... anyways it's 6 now. Ok, she said nothing about eating, so I'll eat half a meal before so if we don't eat I won't be starving, but if we do eat I won't already be full. I'll bring some food just in case to.

*Its 8:55*

Ok ok, I ate a little, I have some food, and if I leave now I'll have about 2 extra minutes. That's short enough to wait outside. So I started walking to her rat nest.

At 9 sharp I knocked on her door. I heard some laughing, then when the door opened, a bunch of rat hands pulled me in and covered my eyes with a blindfold.

The only things I knew, where people were leading me to another room, there all females, and there all laughing and giggling.

I then get THROWN into a chair. Finally my blindfold is taken off. And I was surrounded by a bunch of girls, I just knew Lizzy and Bex. The other 3 I had no idea who they where.

"...h-hi?..." I said, still confused about the whole situation.

Everyone started laughing for a good 20 seconds. Then they all stoped and looked up at me. "So Owen, who do you have a crush on?"

That was one of the biggest straight forward question I was given. My face turned a bright red.

"...what?" I was really confused.

There was a lot of whispering, I didn't really feel comfortable. Then they all stood up and pulled me off the chair, I was really confused.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Oh, welcome to girls night! We're going to braid each others hair!" One of the girls I didn't know said.

"...ok..." I don't know what I'm doing.

Then they sat in a line, I was at the back. And we did a braid train or something.

Hey y'all! Sorry I ran out of ideas! I'll do better next time! Also, I don't know what's going on at all. But here some good news? I got another job! Well I got one like 5 weeks ago, but yeah. I don't know anymore man. Anyways stay safe and eat cake!

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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