Healing Steps

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Y/N's POV:

As I sit here, trying to gather my thoughts, I can't help but feel mentally drained. It's like my mind is a well that's been drawn dry, each dip of the bucket coming up emptier than the last.

Thoughts that once flowed freely now trickle reluctantly, leaving me grasping at shadows of ideas. Every task feels like wading through molasses, each decision a burden too heavy to bear.

It's as if a fog has settled over my brain, obscuring clarity and leaving me feeling lost in a maze of exhaustion. All I can do is hope for a spark to reignite the fire within, to dispel this weariness and bring back the brightness of thought.

In this mental fog, even the simplest of tasks feel like climbing mountains, each step a struggle against gravity pulling me down. My concentration is a fleeting ghost, darting away at the slightest distraction, leaving me stranded in a sea of unfinished thoughts.

The weight of responsibility bears down heavily, pressing against my weary mind with relentless force. Yet, amidst the exhaustion, there is a flicker of resilience, a tiny ember of determination refusing to be extinguished.

With each labored breath, I cling to the hope that this storm will pass, and clarity will once again illuminate the path ahead. Until then, I persevere, navigating the labyrinth of fatigue with steadfast resolve.

I hadn't left the floor in almost a week — my mind too far gone to be able move nor perform my daily tasks. One week without properly eating food, one week without drinking enough water, one week without showering, one week without proper sleep, and one week without my girlfriend.

Oh, I know I'm worrying her. I didn't mean to, I don't really, I just can't bring myself to pick up my phone for once and actually text her. My mind was focused on one thing and one thing only: the floor.

Why? The floor didn't judge me, the floor didn't upset me or anger me, it didn't drain me or hurt me. It was just there. I love Jenna, but sometimes it harder to talk to her about these things when I could choose to lay on the floor and drown in my own misery.

A soft knock was placed upon my door — I didn't even bother turning my head to see who it was until it was gently pushed open and Jenna stood hovering over me. "Cariño, what's wrong?" She crouched down before me, her hands attempting to run through my natty hair.

"Just... tired." I hold my breath and look away to blink back tears that I didn't want to fall. Jenna's hands cupped my face and her thumbs stroked under my eyes, she examined the dark bags under them and how bloodshot they were as well. Her brown, doe eyes were now filled with deep concern, yet love at the same time.

"Talk to me, Mi Amor." She struggled to sit me up against the bed since I was a limp doll in her hands, but eventually she got my back pressed up against the foot of the bed. My head fell back on it and her eyes never left me. "Please, baby, I want to help."

"I'm just tired." My voice dropped to a whisper, my eyes suddenly found the ceiling interesting. My head was spinning and I could feel my heart racing, I could feel my heart screaming at me to cry in Jenna's arms just to feel her comfort and to let me pain out, but my brain is telling me that I don't need anyone.

I listened to my heart for once.

I sniffled slightly and Jenna pulled me into her lap. Soon enough, when I felt her protective arms securely wrapping around me, her silent promise that she was never leaving — I broke down. My face was stuffed in her chest, tears soaking the graphic shirt she was wearing. Jenna's hands slipped under mine to rub my back, her lips pressed against my forehead as we rocked from side to side.

"I got you, baby." Jenna cooed in my ear. It only increased the sound and the pain in my cries. "Let it all out, Mi Corazón. I won't leave you, I'm here, I'm here. I promise."

It felt like hours until my cries finally calmed down — I was left with a ragged breath, a snotty nose, eyes burning from the tears that fell, a dry mouth, and hiccups. My face couldn't bear to leave Jenna's chest. It was like... it was like that feeling of sleeping with your stuffed animals. It was so soft and comforting that I could just fall asleep on them.

"I know life gets hard for us, baby, I understand. But I want you to know that I will always be here for you, always. Nothing you ever say or do could ever push me away. You matter the most to me and taking care of you is my top priority." I almost wanted to cry again at Jenna's caring words. I don't know what I did to deserve her, but I'm so glad God sent her to me. "Now, what do you say we get in a nice, relaxing bath together, hm? I'll even get you a bath bomb."

"That sounds my nice." It wasn't exactly a surprise that my voice sounds hoarse and low. It felt like at any moment I would open my mouth and just not speak, but I didn't need to. Jenna made me feel so calm and collected that we didn't need to talk, we just needed to be in each other's presence.

I sat on the bed while I waited for my girlfriend to finish with the bath. The water stopped running and she stepped out wearing only her robe. "Come, darling." She smiled sweetly and her hands grasped mine, carrying all my weight on her as we made it inside the bathroom. "Can I?" She tugged at the bottom of my shirt and I nodded tiredly.

With ease, Jenna managed to slip my week old shirt over my head and toss it in the bin. She slid my sweats off and turned around to let me take off my own bra and panties. No matter how many times we've seen each other naked, she'll always look away until I give her permission.

I quickly take off the remaining of my clothes and tapped Jenna's shoulder. She slid her robe off and got in the tub first, from there she held out a delicate hand for me to take. Jenna helped me into the tub and relax back against her front, my head on her shoulder, slightly turned to hide in the crook of her neck.

"I love you so much." I muffled out in a small sleepy tone, but a peaceful one as well.

"I love you even more, Precious." She placed a comforting kiss to my cheek and smiled when my eyes fluttered open to catch her gaze. "Yeah, I really do love you." Jenna had to confirm in a whisper to herself. I pecked her lips softly before returning back into her neck.

It will take a while for me to get back into my old habits, but with Jenna by my side, it didn't feel... impossible.

I literally slipped my mind to post this because it's mental health awareness month but I freaking forgot.

But happy mental health awareness month, everyone! We should really make this a full year thing instead of a one month focus, but whatever. I'm here if you ever need me, don't hesitate to message me or just ask for comfort or advice.

I love you all so so much and I don't want to lose you guys. Take care of yourselves, drink water, eat something (I promise it won't kill you), and get some rest. You need it.

So, how your month is so far?

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