Reunion Part 1

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A short respite has passed in Hell after Extermination Day. Many cheered, and others plotted their next moves. The hotel crew, meanwhile, had been relaxing from the fight and enjoying their victory. It was a relatively peaceful time until the King of Hell arrived from back-to-back meetings.

Lucifer was nervous. He figured something would come of the retaliation towards the exorcists, but Lucifer didn't think heaven would want both him AND Charlie. Sh#t! Crap! F#*k! he thought. Lucifer's anxiety was creeping back in on him. From what Sera had messaged him, Lucifer and Charlie were expected to receive an audience from a particular set of people very soon at the embassy. 'What if they want to kill Charlie? What if they take her away?-' he thought before slapping himself. whew, inhale. "Calm down, Lucifer, he said to himself. "Now is not the time to be panicking. You've come this far into being better for Charlie, so stop with the weakness. If we want to survive this, you need to be calm."

The elevator rings for his personal suite. "Um, Dad? You wanted to talk," Charlie asked, leaving the elevator. Lucifer scrambled to get proper.

Ahem, "Hey, Char-char," Lucifer greeted. "How've you been?"

"Doing fine," Charlie said. "I was just talking with Angel Dust about how much progress he's had."

"Oh great, um. Speaking of angels, you and I are expected to meet with some heavenly officials soon. Like, today."

"Ooohh boy. It's probably about the extermination. Umm, maybe they're not mad? Maybe, if we just explain our situation-"

"Charlie," Lucifer said, grabbing her shoulders. Exhale, "I... I know. Let's just stay positive."

Charlie and Lucifer smiled at each other, and before long, they left for Heaven's embassy.

When they got there, Lucifer and Charlie noticed that the church-like building gleamed brighter than ever. This seemed big. And curiously enough, a large new section of the building had been constructed above the clock tower. Walking in, Lucifer was noticeably more nervous than Charlie. Despite the nonchalant act he had, he wasn't hiding the fact that he was terrified. As they wrote their names into the magic registrar, its light traveled to one of the rooms. It was at this point, that Lucifer's nerves got the better of him, and he frantically hid behind the nearest chair, asking Charlie to go first. Charlie sighed at her father's fear, but it's not like it wasn't uncalled for. From how Lucifer acted when he reunited with Charlie, he seemed terrified of heaven turning Charlie down. That or they would do something worse. But Charlie was more steadfast. Regardless of what happens, they need to see this through. The quicker and more civil, the better.

As she walked towards the door, someone from the inside had opened them. The person walked out, reviewing some papers, but their appearance was familiar. "Uriel," Charlie inquired.

"What-", Lucifer whispered.

With her attention grabbed, the angel greeted the hellborn, "Hello, Charlie."

Charlie walked over and hugged her angelic aunt. "It's good to see you again, Aunt Uriel," Charlie said.

"The same with you, my niece," Uriel replied.

Charlie had just then noticed the physical feeling. Releasing Uriel, she asked, "Wait, you're actually here? I thought you'd be a hologram."

"No," Uriel replied. "It would be cruel to not have a meeting like this in person."

"What are you even doing here?"

"I'm sure your father has told you that you two were having a meeting."

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