Chapter Sixty-One: Idrila's Conference

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Y/N's gaze lingered on Idrila, the moments stretching into what seemed like centuries. The air around them was sweet with her presence, a fragrance that intensified as the garden's flora burgeoned with an explosion of both exotic and familiar flowers.

The definition of beauty, so often confined to the observer's eyes, unfurled around him in a chaotic yet mesmerizing display. What others might see as beautiful, Y/N perceived as a voracious mess, almost alive, pulling him towards an inescapable abyss. Yet, he stood firm, his past dealings with IX having fortified his emotional resilience against such overwhelming allure.

"Pardon my rudeness, but you feel... different," Y/N ventured, his observation hanging ambiguously in the air between them. Idrila's smile, while warm, seemed tinged with hidden pain—a mask he recognized all too well from his own past disguises.

Her eyes, shifting hues with each blink, reflected the myriad facets of beauty. "Different? My... It is the first time someone has told me that. Even my knights would hesitate to speak such a truth."

Her words painted a portrait of loneliness, surrounded by admirers yet isolated in her emotional fortress. Y/N empathized deeply, knowing the solitude that often accompanied such outward adoration.

"I'm sure they meant well; an Aeon such as yourself commands respect," Y/N replied, catching a glimpse of his shadow standing regal like a silent monarch, its cape fluttering in the floral breeze.

The garden's ambiance shifted subtly, the air briefly tinged with the scent of decay. Idrila's gaze dropped, a hint of sorrow briefly crossing her features. "Truly... your manners are intact, yet here you are, trying to empathize with a being like myself. How very brave. Yet, you are right. I have long been adorned in the guise of the concept I embody."

As Y/N observed the flowers revitalizing around them, he noted, "The environment responds to your emotions. There's more to 'beauty' than many realize." His comment drew a thoughtful look from Idrila, her eyes inviting him to elaborate.

The garden transformed further under her influence, roses blooming into structures of mythical grandeur, creating an abode fit for gods. It was clear now to Y/N; the garden's beauty was a direct reflection of Idrila's inner state.

Both Y/N and his shadow were motioned to sit by Idrila, who conjured chairs resembling noble thrones from an age of fantasy. Y/N examined his chair, tracing the intricate jewels embedded in its frame before sitting down. The shadow, however, reshaped its chair into a sword, using it as a cane, a reminder of its constant readiness for battle.

Idrila, taking her place upon a throne woven from nature itself, prompted Y/N to continue. He thus spoke, "Beauty is often perceived as merely what pleases the eye or meets aesthetic standards. Yet, its true essence is profoundly subjective, shaped by cultural norms, personal experiences, and the ebbs and flows of society. What is seen as majestic and orderly to one may appear chaotic and destructive to another."

As he spoke, Y/N could see Idrila's smile bloom like the roses around her, her warmth radiating like the sun. His cheeks tinged with a blush, hidden only by his hand. The shadow snickered quietly, its amusement clear even without words.

"Indeed, you've grown tremendously in understanding," Idrila responded softly, her tone filled with a mix of admiration and melancholy. "Yet, despite your insights, you remain influenced by those around you. Your nature is gentle, yet you perceive yourself rough, shaped by harsh experiences and the deceit of others."

Y/N sighed, acknowledging her words. "I often act with brashness, placing others before myself. But, reflecting on my past, especially with Jingliu, I realize that sometimes, what seems selfless can also be selfish."

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