Chapter 56: Ais's Past!

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Chapter 56: Ais's Past!

The following morning, after breakfast, Loki summoned her Familia executives to Finn's office.

Due to the unusual circumstances, Shiro was also called in.

"Ais has finally reached Level 6..." Gareth remarked, a hint of emotion in his voice.

"Yes, and it seems to have affected the others as well. Let's just hope they don't try to imitate Ais's recklessness," Riveria added with a sigh.

"Haha, high morale is a good thing," Finn chuckled, focusing on the positive aspects of Ais's advancement.

The three veterans discussed the impact of Ais's upgrade on the Familia, their perspective different from that of ordinary members.

Their concerns lay with the overall strength and reputation of Loki Familia, while the others were more focused on individual achievements and rivalries.

"Alright, let's discuss the matter of the weird-colored magic stones. First, I'll fill you in on what happened while you were in the Dungeon," Loki announced, sitting cross-legged on a chair.

Apart from the monsters on the 50th floor, the carnivorous plants that appeared during the monsterphilia also dropped these peculiar magic stones.

On the day Shiro encountered the red-haired woman, Loki and Bete investigated Orario's sewers.

And relying on the werewolf's keen sense of smell, they discovered that many more of these carnivorous plants were lurking within the depths of Orario.

"Additionally, we encountered Dionysus and one of his Familia, Filvis Challia, on our way back to Orario. Bete detected the same scent on him as the ones we found in the sewers," Loki continued.

"Upon questioning, we learned that a member of Dionysus Familia was murdered a month ago. And he obtained one of the magic stones and decided to investigate the sewers personally."

"What about the possibility of lies?" Finn inquired, biting his thumb in contemplation.

"At the very least, I didn't detect any falsehood in his words. He might be hiding something, but he wasn't actually lying," Loki replied with a shrug, then turned her gaze toward the white-haired boy.

"He ultimately directed his suspicions toward the Guild, specifically Ouranos, who orchestrated the monsterphilia through Ganesha Familia."

"I met with Ouranos before. While there are some suspicious aspects to him, this incident shouldn't be his doing. But these are just my intuition," Loki stated.

Although the red-haired goddess said so, everyone present knew better than to dismiss a god's intuition as mere guesswork.

"So, what's the situation over there?" Loki asked, turning the focus back to Finn.

Finn proceeded to explain the events that transpired on the 18th floor, detailing the red-haired woman, whom they referred to as the Beast Tamer, and her objective – the orb Lulune had been entrusted with.

"Was that monster transformed from an orb... Does that mean the monster on the 50th floor was also transformed from an orb?" Loki pondered, stroking her chin in thought.

"Yes, a green orb containing a strange fetus. When it saw Ais, it burst out of its shell, but I stopped it. Eventually, it burrowed into a carnivorous plant and transformed the monster into what we encountered that day," Shiro elaborated, recalling the scene vividly.

Unfortunately, even Loki, a goddess, had never heard of anything like it before.

"Tch, I'm more concerned about that Beast Tamer woman. Finn, you couldn't even subdue her while she was injured. Could she be Level 7?"

Anime: Start by Being a Desperado! (Danmachi+Rakudai Kishi)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon