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it was after nine shots of tequila that Michael realized he loved Luke.

it was horrible, really. finding out that you love your best friend but not being able to do anything about it so you find the prettiest girl that you can and allow her to grind against you, knowing it felt wrong.

just horrible.

"why don't we go upstairs?" Michael groaned as she began grinding harder. he didn't even know that there was an upstairs.

"sure." he said, not sure she heard him but her hand dragging him up the carpeted stairs was enough confirmation.

and then she was on the bed. naked, well, if you count being in just your underwear naked, with her legs spread wide enough for Michael to crawl inbetween.

once he did, crawl between them that is, he couldn't help but actually look at the girl. who was she? what age was she? was she even legal? she could have an std that Michael wouldn't even know about before it was too late. her hair was blonde and her eyes were blue, her skin was milky white and-oh god, this was too much.

"I'm-oh god, I'm so sorry." Michael said, crawling away from the tall girl and allowing himself to fall to the floor beneath them.

she sat up on her elbows, looking completely clueless.

"what's wrong?" she asked, taking a look at Michael, her blue eyes wide with worry. "are you okay?"

Michael shook his head, trying to stand and find his balance. he shouldn't have even come here, it was a mistake, a horrible mistake.

"was it-it wasn't me was it? I mean, I-um, do I smell or something?" asked the girl, Michael noticed her porcelain skin turning an ugly reddish hue under the glow of the bedside lamps.

Michael was quick to shake his head, his arms flailing around as he took a shy seat beside the blonde girl, "no, oh my god, no. you actually smell really nice, like apples or something-um, i-its actually me." he said, his heart feeling as it it was wedged between his teeth.

"oh, well, thank you." she smiled. she had a really pretty smile, Michael noticed, too bad she wasn't Luke. "what do you mean it's you?"

Michael chewed on his bottom lip, his eyes wandering over the girls body, previously he had been completely unaware that she was still very much naked. without question he took his discarded t-shirt from the floor and handed it to her, which she happily accepted with a shy smile.

"it just-you're really pretty, um.."


"Sarah. yeah, you're really pretty and," he did another once over of her body before smiling back at her. "stuff, but I-I'm not into g-girls."

"oh?" Sarah's cheeks turned darker, "oh. well, um, why are you with me then?"

Michael frowned, it wasn't that easy.

"because, the guy I like is-he's way out of my league."

Sarah laughed at this, her soft fingers clutching Michael's bicep.

"listen, you're in a league of your own, dude." she said, her tone more serious than it previously was. "who is this lad anyway?"

"I'm really not," Michael laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "Lu-Luke Hemmings."

"no shit? oh my god, that's amazing. he's really sweet-"

Michael nearly choked on his words, "are we talking about the same guy?"

"yeah, Luke Hemmings. fellow asshóle? yeah, he's sort of a twat but he's really sweet to me and I'm sure he loves you back. never shuts up about you really, you are Michael right?" she asked, reaching down to pull on her black skirt that looked too tight for words.

Michael fiddled with his fingers, trying to ignore the blush that was spreading from his cheeks down to his chest. cursing god for making him a full body blusher.

"y-yeah, I am."

Sarah smiled, her hand sticking out to pull Michael's into a firm handshake.

"'m Sarah, like I said. I'm also Luke's niece." she laughed, pulling her lip between her two front teeth.

"wh-oh my god, Sarah Hemmings? how the hell didn't I know, like you look the fukcing same. oh my god, you're not even eighteen are you?" Michael ran his hands through his freshly dyed hair, regretting ever coming to this stupid party.

"actually, I'm legal in a week, and yeah, Sarah Hemmings." she smiled brightly, standing up and turning around to take off her-Michael's t-shirt, even though he had just saw her topless not even ten minutes ago. "maybe you should go to Luke? that'd be a smart idea." she laughed, throwing the t-shirt toward him and slipping on her own.

he frowned while pulling it over his head. "he doesn't like me."

"I just told you, he never shuts up about you, Michael. really, don't make me drag you by your eyebrow. that'd hurt too, seeing as you have it pierced." her lips tugged into a smirk when he jumped up, grabbed his shoes and ran to the door.

"wai-is he even at home?"

"Michael, you're in his house right now?"

Michael's green eyes widened, "are you shitting me?

Sarah laughed, shaking her head.

"oh my god, okay, I'll just go into his room and-what will I say? I'll tell him e-everything, yeah-"

"Michael, just go." Sarah said, slipping on her shoes.

Michael nodded, seeming to hesitate a second before walking over to Sarah, kissing her cheek and readying himself for what he was about to do.

when he did reach Luke's bedroom door, he inhaled and tried to ignore his thudding heart.

"c'mon, Michael, just do it."

wow, hello that was pretty long?? nearly 1000 words lol woooot

but please comment guys :))) there's like two chapters left I think!!

love u .x

p.s that's Sarah!!

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