Chapter 37

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I followed James out the room admiring him. He was looking so good. He had on a off white button up short sleeve shirt and the matching shorts. His dreads was pulled up into a messy bun. His ears was shinning with diamonds and so was his wrist. He had a few gold chains on and to top him off he had on a pair of off white and blue Alexander McQueens on his feet. He was looking good as fuck. My man, my man, my man! I smiled looking at him. I still felt like a lil school girl with a silly little crush when I looked at him. You could tell I was just stuck in love.

I can't believe I was on my way to get married! We've been together for almost 5 years now in just a  few months. We've talked about marriage a few times but I never thought we'd ever act on it.

We walked out the hotel and on to the back patio which was set up so beautifully. A table with candles and fruits sat waiting. The lady from last night played the piano and it sounded so wonderful. It was set up so perfectly. Giant bouquets of roses and sun flowers was all over the deck. A white runner aligned the walk way leading to the alter decor which was so beautiful. A minister stood there waiting for us.

"If I had one wish boy I'd wish you next to me! And it can be in summer, fall, or spring boy cause you make my heart sing!" The pianist started to sing and play Faith Evens Never Let You Go. I looked at him with amazement because he remembered that I said I wanted to walk down the aisle to that song cause it was one of my favorites.

You ready? He asked taking my hand.

Beyond! I wiped my tears that had fallen and walked down the aisle with him.

Good afternoon! The minister smiled as we reached him.

Good afternoon! We both said as we smiled back. We stood facing each other holding hands. This was the most important, beautiful, and emotional moment of my life and I was so nervous.

It's nice to finally meet you Brionna! I'm Dave I will be officiating you two wedding today.

Thank you! I smiled.

Let's get started! This is your marriage license certificate I just need you both to sign here. He said holding out his binder and giving us both a pen. I signed first then he signed after me. I checked the box to change my last name and rewrote my new whole name. Brionna Carter.

Okay! Great. So we are gathered here in love today for Brionna Smith and James Carter to wed these two beautiful souls together. I've agreed to wed you two because of the story behind y'all. I feel like you two truly and truly love each other. I can see the way y'all love each other in each others eyes by the way y'all do look at each other. From my understanding you two will have another wedding and then you will exchange vows.

Yes! We will! Come on let me just say I do! James said as he rushed him laughing. He was starting to sweat a bit cause he was nervous.

You okay? I asked looking at him. "You wanna wait we can wait?"

Nah I'm good, go ahead bra!

Okay James repeat after me. I James Carter take Brionna Smith to be my lawful wedded wife, to love and to hold for the rest of my life.

I James Carter take Brionna Smith to be my lawful wedded wife, to love and to hold for the rest of my life.

Do you promise to protect her and cherish her in sickness and in health?

I do!

Brionna repeat after me. I Brionna smith take James Carter to be my lawful wedded husband, to love and hold for the rest of my life.

I Brionna smith take James Carter to be my lawful wedded husband, to love and hold for the rest of my life.

Do you promise to protect him and cherish him in sickness and in health?

I do!

With the power invested in me I now pronounce you two husband and wife. James you may now kiss your bride! Butterflies instantly entered my stomach as he grabbed my face and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his waist as tears filled my eyes. I was a married woman now! Fuck my man it's MY HUSBAND now!

I love you! I cried looking him in his eyes.

I love you more!

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