Chapter 3

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As I steered into the next town, I immediately noticed how tiny and bare it was. Most businesses and houses were abandoned or boarded shut. There were three yellow-blinking traffic lights that were spread pretty far apart, but they were still close enough that I could see the open desert on the other side of town.

"Hmph," I grunted, lowering the volume of the never-ending news report on the radio. "It's a goddamn ghost town."

"Yeah. Most towns in these parts are. Just keep an eye out fer a small store or somewhere we're likely not ta be recognized. We're gonna have ta steal a car. We gotta ditch yers," Cutter said.

I shrugged. "Okay."

"Shouldn't be too hard ta do with the two of us."

I nodded. He wasn't wrong.

"By the way, I called my brother before I called you, told 'im we needed somewhere ta crash fer a few days 'til shit dies down a lil bit."

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"Yeah. He wasn't too happy about it, but I didn't give 'im much choice."

"Cutter," I objected. "Otis doesn't like or trust Charlie. Like, at all. You know that."

"I do know that, but that's the only remotely safe place I know about. I dunno where else ta go."

I shook my head. "We should re-group with Otis and Baby first before we make any solid decisions, git their opinions and input. Otis's especially."

"Well, I know what Happy Boy is gonna say. I can already hear 'im bitchin' a song. Baby, I don't think she'll give two fucks." Pausing, Cutter rubbed his beard. "Well, she might. She ain't seen her uncle in a long time."

"You know what? I don't care what you, Baby, or anyone else says. Otis knows how ta read a motherfucker. He's always right. Plus, there's some fucked up history between the three of y'all, and it's all Charlie's fault."

"I know," Cutter said under his breath, cracking his knuckles.

"If Otis says Charlie can't be trusted, then he can't be trusted. It's as simple as that. But I guess we could go there if we have to 'til we figure somethin' else out. I-"

"Slow the fuck down!" he yelled, slapping the dashboard.

I jumped and shot him the side eye. "Goddamn it, Cutter..."

He pointed. "There's some kinda store up ahead on the right!"

"I see it. Thanks fer the fuckin' heart attack," I snarked.

"Sorry," he tittered.

"No, yer not."

Cutter snickered.

"Fuckin' shit-stirrer."

He feigned innocence. "Who, me? I think you got me mixed up with someone else."

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Ha ha, sure." Gently stepping on the brake, I approached the mom-and-pop store cautiously.

"No pigs. That's good," he observed. "Not busy. Again, good..."

"A mother's comin' out with her kid," I said.

Cutter chuckled mischievously and rubbed his hands together. "Yeah, pull in."

"Alright." I turned into the parking lot.

"Park right here on the edge of the lot."

I did as instructed, turned the car off, and left the keys in the ignition. "Won't be needin' those no more."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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