Chapter 2

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I drove for about an hour, continuously scanning the highway for cops or suspicious vehicles, but there were none. The law was too busy down in Ruggsville, combing the area. They probably thought we wouldn't get far without being apprehended.

As I zeroed in on the abandoned gas station Cutter had mentioned, I spotted the pay phone he had called me from. Pulling into the dusty lot, I parked beside the phone booth, exited the car, and pretended to tinker with my driver's side tire.

"Cutter!" I whisper-yelled a few times.

He jogged around the side of the building. "Right here, darlin'." He was still wearing his clown makeup from the day before, which had faded because of profuse sweating.

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank whatever spiritual entity is real."

Tipping his head, he hopped in the passenger side and shut the door. I jumped in and drove back out onto the highway.

"Seen any fuckin' pigs?" Cutter asked immediately.

"Surprisingly, no. I think everyone is still down in Ruggsville. I don't think they've widened the search too much yet. They're mostly relying on the public fer help."

"Good. That gives us the upper hand."

He switched on the radio. The DJ spoke about the expanding gruesome scene at the Firefly Ranch, now dubbed the House of 1,000 Corpses.

"Breaking news! It has just come to light that there is a fourth suspect, Luna Wolf. She has long, black hair and blue eyes, and is 5 foot 7 inches tall. Authorities have no evidence she's committed any crimes, but she is in Polaroid photos with the rest of the family. She's wanted for questioning. She drives a black 1972 Honda Civic with Texas tag number JSR-047. If you see Miss Wolf or the vehicle, call your local police department right away."

"Shit," I huffed. "Told ya it was only a matter o' time."

"Yeah." Cutter nodded. "We're about an hour away from the next town. Just keep drivin', and keep yer fuckin' eyeballs peeled. I'll do the same."

"I've been doin' that," I said.

"Yeah? Well, do it even more efficiently," he snarked.

I gave him the side eye. "Cutter..." I warned.

"What?" he snapped. "This is some serious shit! I'm just bein' extra cautious! Ain't gotta git yer fuckin' panties in a bunch!"

"I know how dire the situation is," I hissed. "Don't talk to me like I'm a fuckin' child. I'm 40 years old."

Cutter blinked a few times. "Yer right. M'sorry." He patted my arm. "I'm just stressed is all."

"Aren't we all?" I pointed out.

He shrugged. "I reckon so." He was quiet for a minute before his next question. Twisting toward me, he wondered, "Why'd ya wanna come with us so bad anyway?"

"Like I said, I'm in those photo albums, too."

"But you could've gone yer own way. Ya didn't have ta tail along with us and git in even more trouble if ya git pinched. Cuz that's exactly what's gonna happen."

"Cutter," I sighed. "Y'all are my family. Yer all I got. I wanna be with y'all. Why's that so hard ta understand?"

"It ain't. I'm just makin' sure ya've thought this through all the way; I want ya ta be sure it's really worth it."

"I made up my mind years ago. Y'all are worth it," I declared.

"Or do ya mean Happy Boy is worth it?" he blurted.

"What?" My eyes narrowed. "Baby is my best fuckin' friend! You and Otis are family!"

"I know you like him, though. Everyone knows, even Otis."

"Ehh, fuck me," I breathed, my cheeks turning tomato red. "I don't wanna talk about this. Just shut the fuck up."

"I think we should talk about it," he insisted.

"No," I refused, gripping the steering wheel so hard my knuckles turned white.

"Seriously, Luna. What if y'all never see each other again?"

"What the fuck does he care?! He's a mean motherfucker! All we do is fuckin' argue!"

"Now, that ain't true. Y'all have good times, too. You can't deny that."

"That's rare. He has ta be in a decent mood fer that."


"Not relationship material," I said firmly. "He's emotionally unavailable and moody as fuck. He struggles with any kind of intimacy. He fucks hookers and dead girls. I don't remember the last time he had a one-night stand with a normal girl, or a warm one, ta be honest. Not ta mention, he's completely insane. We're not good fer each other. And that's that."

"All that may be true, but he likes you, too. He just hides it. He pushes you away on purpose."

"Bullshit." I shook my head. "That fuckin' bitch hates me."

"No, he don't, and y'all should do somethin' about it before it's too Goddamn late!"

"I don't want to!" I yelled. "I'm fine with the fact that I have ta admire 'im from afar! He'd hurt me! Really bad! I know he would."

"He would never-"

"Not physically, dumbass!"

"Oh." He chuckled. "I thought ya meant-"

"No. I know he considers me family and would never put 'is hands on me unless I asked fer it. But emotionally? Otis would fuckin' destroy me! I have enough trouble gittin' along with 'im as it is! Pairin' us together would give 'im a reason ta treat me like shit even more than he already does because he'll wanna own me. I ain't down ta bein' anyone's slave. Now quit tryin' ta be a daddy and play matchmaker cuz it ain't happenin'."

"Alright, alright, but yer makin' a mistake. If all of us git separated, you'll regret it fer the rest o' yer life."

"Whatever," I huffed. "Cuz yer love life is just hunky-dory, right, daddy? I don't need relationship advice from you. Just drop it, okay?"

"Fine." Cutter held up his hands in defeat. "I won't mention it again. But I want ya ta do somethin' fer me. Pay attention to 'is body language, not 'is words. Look in 'is eyes. You'll see the attraction."

Scoffing, I rolled my eyes. "More like the hatred. Ta him, I'm just Baby's annoying friend. I'm another lil sister."

"Just do it. You'll see it. Really. You will."

"Yeah, sure," I said bitterly.

He changed the subject. "You got anything ta drink? I been sweatin' my balls off in this desert heat."

I jacked my thumb over my shoulder. "There's water in my bag."

He reached over the seat, dug two bottles of water out of my duffel bag, and handed one to me. "Here. You gotta be thirsty, too."


"Mmm, hmm." Cutter opened his and guzzled it down until it was gone.

"Better?" I asked, cracking my bottle open.

"Yeah. I was a lil dehydrated." He screwed the lid back on his bottle and dropped it on the floor behind the seat.

"I'm sure." I took a few sips and nestled my bottle between my thighs.

We traveled in silence for a while, our minds swirling about the fucked up situation at hand. My thoughts clung to what Cutter had said about me and Otis.

"He likes you, too. He just hides it."

I rolled my eyes so hard, I could have strained the muscles.

"Pay attention to 'is body language, not 'is words. Look in 'is eyes."

Scowling, I stomped the gas harder. According to the sign we flew by, the next town was 10 minutes away.

To be continued!

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