Chapter Eight - The Chamber Dwelling Beneath the Library

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Although yesterday's star-filled night was an enticing wonder to behold, Birch had clarified beneath yesterday's legendary night that she would bound her promise into this puissant mission; destroying The Eight Riches to stop Nebekenesa from recreating the world, where blossomed blissful and ecstatic feelings will never be experience or found. However, Birch did not know what The Eight Riches were or did not have any epiphany for it. 

The next day, her feelings before dawn shifted. She woke up quite early at a waning hour in the early morning. As the solar-yellow sun sent her a harbinger that morning was arising, she got in her clothes at top speed and then hoisted her digital drawing pen into the pockets of her Enchanted Cape. Then she leisurely went out of her artsy abode, walking down the sidewalks of Naria for a morning's walk, evoked with serendipity. 

Birch would enjoy her morning walks every morning. As the sun was rising with ebullience, its beacons of hazy light cast an aesthetic hue to the world. The mountains and trees out of the boundaries of the city became evanescent, blanketed in pure velvet darkness. And as Birch sluggishly walked down the city, she looked up into the sky.

Repeatedly, whenever she would look at the sky, she would think of the sky as an ebullience painting. If it was a rising morning, molten gold and baby-blue colors would represent the birth of happiness and wonder. If it was nightfall, indigo and velvet-black would represent evanescent intrigued feelings and a sense of hope. 

 If it was a star-filled would be different. 

However, she was not alone this morning; there were still multitudes outside. Most beings of Naria would wake up early, preparing their gossamer shops for the day. Most of these humans glimpsed at Birch. As for lost and empty Birch, she stopped amid these filthy humans. Now her expression flipped into a halcyon and curious expression, but also felt empty and lost in the middle of many strangers. 

She gripped her Enchanted Cape with one hand, attending to the voices dancing around her. 

"So she's got an Enchanted Cape..." A man whispered, rumoring the sight to one another. 

 "Having an Enchanted Cape means that a being has magic of their own, too," A youngster little witch said, huddled up with her friend group. 

"I wonder what magic she harnesses," A female sorcerer wondered to herself. 

 "The girl who hates everyone...has magic, now..." Most people had mentioned. 

Birch blinked innocently. Languorously, she remained as still as a statue, a light breeze being birth by the fresh, serene world. It made lyrical whispers, traipsing across Birch's ears. But when she looked around the place, she then looked back up at the sky, continuing her walk.

But as she continued walking, she looked at the cobblestone walls of Naria, finding Takashi perched atop it. The light, alluring, filtered the area ahead, and Takashi mewed happily at her, her tail prickling up.

Birch went over to Takashi, and the smile on Takashi's face evolved quite fast. The serendipity within her smile made Birch slightly grin, as she stopped and looked up at her. 

"Morning, Birch!" She meowed, lacerating Birch's emptiness. 

"Good morning," Birch said faintly. 

"I didn't expect to see you this morning." "I just finished my daily commissions from Luna Spirit, so I decided to take a walk to refresh my feelings," Takashi continued, curling her tail around her soft paws. "So, how's it been? Have you met any humans and began to not hate them?" 

Birch paused, her chest feeling empty. Her grin, which she thought to be sempiternal, altered into a frown, and her whole body gesture changed from Takashi's mention of humans. 

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