145 - Buzzing Codes

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I spoke briefly to Nightmare about my concerns. There weren't many but I told him that I had Ink take Dream with him out of the Doodle-Sphere. Just to see if certain aus were being messed with. He didn't see anything off with the info and just accepted it.

I spent a few days of this waiting period just hanging around the others. I didn't join them on any outings since I was in no mood to get mixed up in whatever shenanigans they would get up to.

Cross, Dust, and myself mainly caught up with Undernovela and learned a bit more about each other.

Cross had been taking up how to play music, he never shared which instrument since he didn't want to set an expectation until he was ready. Which was fair in my opinion. I tried to guess who was teaching him but he wouldn't budge in case I got nosey and tried to figure it out through the teacher.

He's also been enjoying being able to bake, specifically muffins. He only did it when it was late because, again, he didn't want to set expectations until he was ready. I wasn't sure if Horror was helping him but I would be surprised if he was eating them or taking them with him so they weren't wasted.

Dust has found small activities to help occupy his mind. A recent favorite was playing cards. He didn't just play card games by himself, instead he taught himself card tricks, things that take practice and look easy to do upon a glance. I struggled to just move a card between my fingers when I attempted to do so myself.

I mainly kept trying because it was nice seeing Dust actually look amused at my horrid efforts. But I did end up being entertained by a pair of dice, probably a sensory thing since I just rolled them in my hands.

He let me keep them, I now have dice.

Killer was himself. But he's has tried being more flirty with everyone. I wasn't sure why but it seemed like he just wanted to see how far he could go with it. I didn't entertain him... but I was entertain by it. If I was with Cross we would comment about how bad a line was after if was delivered. Almost like hosts of a show watching a contestant.

He didn't seem annoyed for getting told off, he looked pretty happy about it.

But eventually I did figure out that he noticed that he was being a bit socially withdrawn and this was just him bringing himself back. He might've been in a mood or just had a moment to himself but he was able to tell me that much when I bothered asking when it was just us.

I didn't ask why he was drifting in the first place because I knew he wouldn't give me answers so easily. He was fine but I kept an eye socket on him just to be sure.

Horror has just been Horror. Popping in whenever, cooking when he felt like he could, going to Classic's au constantly for that one job he still likes, and watching tv. I remember a specific night when Scoundrel was able to visit. I caught him, Horror, and Gradient munching on cookies at a late hour. Seeing them look at me like caught kids was hilarious.

I just walked over, grabbed a cookie, bit it, then told them I saw nothing before heading back. I was heading down for a snack anyways so the cookie was enough.

One particular conversation I remembered was when I was in the main room with most of the others. Gradient and Nightmare weren't present, with the topic of conversation I was glad. Killer was in a mood and decided to ask an out of no where question.

"So, out of curiosity, have anyone of you bone heads actually tried to seduce anyone?"

The group just stared at him in an awkward quiet before Dust decided to break the silence.

"Killer... why the hell-" Before he could finish Killer was quick to cut him off.

"Hey! I'm just curious. I'm not around you guys all the time. I just want to know if anyone of you bothered trying." He had his hands up like he was innocent. I don't know why but I responded.

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