~Chapter 5~

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-Naruto POV-

Naruto braced himself as he gently sat on the mattress. Sasuke moved a little so that Naruto would have place to sleep. Naruto raised the blanket and went inside. He could feel the warmth of Sasuke's body. Naruto wiggled around in an attempt to make place. 'Was this bed always this small?' He thought. 

"Stop moving so much" Sasuke said in an annoyed tone. 

"Nighty nighty~" Kiba said.

"Is he drunk or something?" Suigetsu asked. Everyone chuckled. Naruto had to accept his fate. The matress was too small (he was so sure that this wasn't the case with Kiba) and he could feel Sasuke's breathe on his neck. Just when he thought things can't get any worse, Sasuke wrapped his arm's around Naruto's waiste.

"What're you doing?!" Naruto whisper-yelled.

"I'm cold" Sasuke said as he nuzzled his head into Naruto's nape. Naruto's face and ears felt hot. His heart was beating fast, real fast as if it was going to leap out of his chest and he was sure that Sasuke could feel and hear his heart beat. He took a deep breathe and promised to treat himself some ramen if he survived this night. 


The next morning, Naruto woke up to find his face buried in Sasuke's chest. 'How the fuck did this happen?' he paniced as he rolled off the matress. 

"You finally awake?" Sasuke asked with his signature playboy asshole smirk on his face. Oh god, Saskue's morning voice made Naruto's heart do a cartwheel. Naruto got up lazily, pretending to still be half asleep. All his drousiness vanished when he heard Sasuke's voice. 

Shikamaru was (suprisingly) rolling the matress and Sai along with Kiba was putting the blankets inside the closet. Sasuke went to help the other and Naruto joined them shortly. When they were finally done putting back the matresses, pillows and blankets, Suigetsu and Shino enter the room with towels on their shoulders.

"We're done taking bath" Suigetsu announced. He used the bathroom inside Sasuke's room while Shino used the common washroom. The others took turns to use the bathroom and soon they were ready to eat. When they arrived to the kitchen, they saw that their plates were already set with food. Sasuke when to the fridge and plucked the sticky note that was stuck on it. He read it aloud.

Cooked food for you ungrateful brats, don't need to thank me <3333

P.S. me and Itachi have gone out for some work so don't fuck the house

Lots of luv,


"How can he call us ungrateful when he doesn't even let us thank him?" Suigetsu pointed out.

"That," Shikaramu said "is a very good question"

"Let's just dig in" Sasuke said. They all said and eat their pancakes in silence.

"So, what do we do now?" Kiba and Suigetsu asked.

"Let's play monopoly" Shikamaru suggested. 

"Are you crazy?"

"You're the only one who wins the game!" Kiba and Naruto complained.

"That's exactly why I wanna play" Shikamaru rolled his eyes. After a few debates they ended up playing three rounds of monopoly. But Shikamaru didn't win a single round. All the rounds were won by the underdog Shino. 

"How the fuck?" Shikamaru asked, stressed at the fact that he lost.

"I don't really care that I lost, but I'm so fucking happy that Shikamaru did" Kiba laughed at his face mockingly. Shikamaru made a pissed face, but didn't reacte. It was a sign which ment that he would take his revenge, slowly. And he would also get back on Shino for the embarrasment. Naruto shuttered at the thought.

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