~Chapter 4~

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-Third Person POV-

"I thought you wouldn't come." Sasuke said, addressing the blond.

"I thought so too, but here I am. I couldn't just let Shino stand in the rain all alone, ya know."

"Is that you two are wet?" Suigetsu asked. Shikamaru was busy recording Shino tackle Kiba while Sai was drawing them...for educational purposes.

"No, that's a different story." Naruto tilted his head, chuckling nervously.

Naruto and Shino were walking togther on the sidewalk under on umbrella

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Naruto and Shino were walking togther on the sidewalk under on umbrella. Naruto could feel Shino sneaking glances and deciced to speak up.


"Well, i kinda realized you don't have an extra bag."


"That probably means you dont have extra clothes, which means you weren't planning to come, is that right?"

"...Well, I couldn't just leve you there." Shino chuckled. Naruto flinched, it was shocking that Shino let out a chuckle.

"You're a really kind person Naruto. You always made sure that I wasn't left out." Naruto smiled.

"I don't like leaving people out. Especially since I know the feeling-" Naruto was interruped by a cold splash of water. Turns out a car drove past them and they ended up drenched. The car stopped and a familliar figure came out. It was girl with choppy red hair and an ugly pair of crooked rectangular glasses.

"Well well well, if it isn't the infamous Uzumaki Naruto." Said the girl, Karin. She carried a smug look on her face, and was wearing a purple dress that exposed most of her legs. She placed her hand on her hip and smirked.

"I can't believe you got- Hey! Are you ignoring me right now?" Karin shrieked. Naruto and Shino walked passed her. They deemed that she was not worth listening.

"Come to school and you'll see!" She yelled at them.

"Come to school and you'll see!" She yelled at them

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"Wow" Kiba said, raising his eyebrows.

"Can't believe you two are related Naruto" Suigetsu said.

"We're distant relatives." Naruto replied, "You know, like the dintance between the Earth and the Sun type distant."

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