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Summary:Merlin gets hurt really bad and the knight are very worried.

Merlin had been gone for a week now and everyone was incredibly worried. Arthur, the knights and Gaius were in a meeting about how to find him when a servant burst in. "What is the meaning of this?" Arthur demanded.
"Sire, they found Merlin in the woods! He's awake and in his and Giaus's chambers!"

They all rushed down to him and burst open the door. "Leave us!" Arthur said to the patrol that found him ran out of the room, not wanting to get in the way of the king when he looked so determined. Merlin was in a cot, he looked incredibly pale, weak and was covered in bruses but he was still smiling. He was always smiling.

"Merlin you idiot! Where have you been?" Gaius asked. The knights got over there entital shock and followed Gaius over to him.
"Oh, the usual." Merlin said while standing up.
"Don't be an idiot! Sit back down, you can't possibly walk in your state!"
"What is is state exactly Gaius?" Asked Arthur.
"I'm not sure yet." He replied.

Gaius checked over Merlin while everyone asked him questions about where he was. Merlin, being Merlin, didn't answer a single one properly and only gave vague answers.
Gaius lifted his shirt and felt his brused ribs. He hissed in pain, which sent all the knights into immediate allert. "What's wrong?" Gwaine asked.
"It appears you are malnourished, dehydrated, have severe bruising, 3 broken ribs and a brocken ankle. Have you coughed up any blood and how long were you walking on that ankle for?"
"I've coughed up a small amount, so nothing to worry about, and I have not walked anywhere on my ankle. What am I, a fool?"
Gaius grabbed Merlins hand and took the badly concealed tissue that was covered in blood from it.
"Fine, I've coughed up a fair bit but I swear I didn't walk anywhere on my ankle, after it was broken."
Gaius raised his eyebrow even thurther and pressed on his ribs a bit.
"OW! OK, OK!" He removed the pressure and Merlin sighed. "I walked around 10 miles. But only because I had to I swear!"

"MERLIN YOU DOLLOPHEAD! Why on earth would you do that?" Yelled Arthur.
"I told you, if you listened Clotpole, I had to!"
"Why? Merlin, did you have to walk 10 miles on a broken ankle, while coughing up blood?"
"Because I was 10 miles away, obviously!"
"Where were you?" Asked Percival.
"I don't know. All I knew is that if I kept on walking I would find help, and I did. So now that all is well, I'm going to get back to work." He tried to sit up but found 5 swords and Gaius's eyebrow raised at him. "Or maybe I won't." He said, lowering himself back down.
"Merlin, I will put you in the stocks until you die if you dont let Gaius take care of you." Arthur threatened. All the knights nodded in agreement.
"Fine." Merlin mumbled.

He didn't have time to say anything else before all 5 knights and Gaius were on top of him, giving him a hug.

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