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In light of the content guidelines from Wattpad, I have decided to take down acts two and three of this story due to certain triggers that might be flagged by HQ and will call for my account to be terminated.

The reason for this is because of my old account having to be shut down with a project that I did for Camp NaNoWriMo April 2022 called "Quiet Gale Storm" and it had certain content that was definitely deemed unsuitable for certain readers: history of child molestation, a toxic relationship between my male main character Sa'Von Lancaster and bad boy Gale Storm, and other items. In all fairness, I believed that I was telling a story of a young man wanting to break free from the memories.

Still, I knew that I was completely in the wrong and I had no right to post that. And in a way, I think that the story was not quite ready for readers here on Wattpad in the first place.

As for this story, I realized that acts two and three could be a bit much for readers here- especially in act three with chapter 22 when there's mentions of child abuse, sexual assault, and other triggers. So I have taken those chapters down and left chapters one through ten. Of course, I am still planning to publish the full version- formatted, edited, and revised- through Amazon KDP for the holiday season and will announce when can it be available for ebook preordering in the days to come.

Now, you all may think that I'm being crazy for this, but I'm no dummy. I do not want to risk being shut out of Wattpad twice, especially when I'm trying to rebrand my writing career. And with the sexual content guidelines changing to 18 years or older, you already know the deal. And I do believe that it's better to leave before you're forced to. In all fairness, I will make a note to keep things mature when it comes to sexual content or leave a fade-to-black moment so you can use your imaginations.

The long and short of it all is that I'm not willing to take any chances, folks. Times are changing and it's more the reason to govern myself accordingly as a creator. Chapters one through ten of this story will remain available while I make plans to publish the new version under a different name. Thanks again for understanding and know that I have no regrets writing this masterpiece for Camp NaNo. But sometimes, you have to cut losses if you want to stay in the game.

With all due respect,
Sir Jay D. Evers


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