♧-Secret uncovered-♧

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I sat there wondering if maybe I'm just a fool in love with my roommate that I start to think things are for me when they aren't. The more I sat there, the more my mind raced thoughts of being made a fool crossed my mind, but then the thought of having Hyunjin all to myself was tempting.

I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to wake up beside him every morning and receive kisses from him, to know that I was the one who made him happy. It was a dream that filled my every waking moment, a fire that burned deep within my chest. And yet, every time I tried to act on it, something held me back. Fear, maybe. Or the knowledge that he deserved so much more than someone like me.

As I gazed at him, lost in my thoughts, I couldn't help but notice the way the light played across his features, the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. There was something so achingly beautiful about him, about the way he moved, the way he spoke, the way he laughed. I felt like I could spend an eternity just watching him, trying to memorize every detail, every curve and line, so that when I closed my eyes at night, I could still see him, still feel him close to me.

And then, as if he could sense the weight of my gaze, he shifted in his sleep, turning his head ever so slightly in my direction. My heart skipped a beat, my breath hitching in my throat. For a moment, I thought he might wake up, that he might look at me and see me for who I really was, someone who cared deeply for him, someone who wanted nothing more than to be with him.

But then his eyelids fluttered closed again, and he was gone, lost once more to the dreams that danced through his head. And I was left here, staring at the back of his neck, wondering how much longer I could keep this up, wondering if I would ever find the courage to tell him how I felt, to make him understand that I was deeply in love with him.

Because I knew, deep down, that he was worth waiting for. He was worth the struggle, the pain, the fear. And one day, somehow, I would find the words to make him see that. Until then, all I could do was watch over him, protect him from the shadows, and hope that one day, when the time was right, he would finally turn around and see me standing there, for who I was a caring boy who had looked after him during these times. It was a fantasy to good to be true, but somewhere deep down kept telling me I wasn't being stupid and that this lovely roommate was gonna be mine.
I rested my elbows on my knees and moved a strand of hair from his face.

He stirred slightly but didn't wake from his dreamworld. I traced the outline of his plump lips, feeling the soft skin beneath my finger. I knew I shouldn't be touching him in this way when he was asleep, but he was too hot to resist. I leaned towards his ear and muttered, "I love you, Hyunjin." And before I could stop my thoughts it had already fell from my lips I pulled away from him a checked his face for any signs of him waking up but all that was on his face was a soft smile on his face. I moved away from him slightly, sitting back up on the chair. "Oh, why do my thoughts come out of my mouth." I mumbled, playing with my rings that Hyunjin had gifted me. I noticed him stirring, and I decided to get up and get him a drink. Maybe the more I do, he'd want me more. I brought his americano over and onto the table as he sat up.
"Yongbok~" Hyunjin mumbled as I sat back next to him on the chair. He shuffled over to me and laided his head on my lap, and played with the toggles of his hoodie.
"H-hey Hyunjin, you're awake?" I asked, stroking his hair.
"Mhm." He mumbled, rubbing his eye just above his mole on his left eye, this one one thing I'd noticed after staring at him for ages.
"Yongbok~ I need cuddle." Hyunjin mumbled, sitting up and pouting slightly. I looked at him and noticed it was if he was in another headspace. He wasn't acting himself and was squishing my finger between his palms slowly but not hard enough to hurt me.
"Hyunjin, are you feeling alright?" I asked, stroking his head.

"M' fine." Hyunjin mumbled, reaching for the glass on the table. He grabbed the glass, and it fell from his hand and hit the floor, smashing the glass into shards. Hyunjin flinched and scrambled into my lap, breathing heavily as if he was scared of something.
"P-please don't shout at me. Hyunjin didn't mean it." He said, looking up at me with teary eyes, I couldn't work out what had happened to him it was if he was acting childlike.

My Roommate // HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now