♧-Whats His Name?-♧

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I woke up to find Han putting his stuff into a bag, and Minho was helping carry them.
"Where are you going?" I asked, confused. I thought they still hated each other.
"Well, I thought I'd give it a go with Minho again." Han said, smiling. I noticed he was wearing a baggy shirt and jeans, which I recognised to be Minho's, but I didn't care that much, so I ignored it.
"Ah, alright then, I'll help." I said, standing up, pushing my blond hair back and grabbing a bag and heading down to Minho's room next door.
"Hyung? Have you had that girl round it smells like sex." I said, raising my eyebrow.
Han stood close to Minho's side and looked up at him, and nodded.
"I haven't had any girls round." He gulped.
"So why does it smell? Look, you even have her skirt here." I said, picking up a pink skirt that was lying on the floor, but as I looked at it, I realised it was Han's.

"Han?" I questioned, wanting to know the truth. I went over to him and pulled down to the shirt that was covering his neck to reveal fresh hickeys covering it. I did the same to Minho and pushed his hair away from his face to find fresh ones along his jaw.
"So this is the girl you've been with?" I asked, smirking seeing Han turn red.
"Yes I did it with Han yesterday but you can't tell anyone that we are together including our friends because that girl posted over the school news that we are together and I couldn't bear seeing my Princess upset because he though I was in another relationship." Minho told me, pulling Han into a kiss.
"Hyung!" Han complained.
"I don't mind, just be careful. These rooms are not soundproof." I told them, turning round to unpack Han's things.
"W-what." Han said panic in his face.
"T-that m-means Jeongin and Chan h-heard us last night." Han almost collapsed, but Minho caught him. I ran to get a damp cloth for him. This was a regular thing if he got way too worried about something.
"Shh, it's OK baby they won't know I was with you they all think I'm in love with Lia." Minho said, putting Han's hair up in a little ponytail so he wouldn't be as hot.

"I feel like I'm going to throw up." Han said his face going a bit green Minho lifted him and rushed him to the bathroom I ran to my room to get his anxiety pills to calm him down along with a snack that he needed to eat before the pill.
When I came back, I found Minho sitting on the floor backhugging Han, who looked very ill. "It's alright baby calm down." Minho said, squeezing his hand.
"I brought your medicine and a snack." I told him, handing it to Minho since Han was shaking too much to feed himself. Minho fed Han the food, and I fetched a glass of water so that he could take his medicine.
"Thanks, lix. Thanks, Min." Han said shakily, trying to calm himself down.
"Heyyyy guys, oh, wrong time?" Jeongin said, bounding into their bathroom after looking around the dorm.
"N-no, I'm fine." Han said, getting up then falling back down. Minho lifted him up and brought him to their table in the kitchen.
"What's wrong with him?" Jeongin asked.
Han looked up at Minho, asking him to answer for him.

"Just a cold." Minho replied.
"That's not a cold." Jeongin said
"Well." I started looking over at them
"Do you want to tell him?" Minho asked Hans shook his head. "Should I tell him?" Minho asked. And he nodded
"Tell me what?" Jeongin asked
"Well, you know them noises last night." Minho started.
"Yeah, you and Lia are loud." Jeongin laughed.
"It wasn't Lea." Han stated.
"What?" Jeongin asked, confused, looking at them.
"It was me." Han said, embarrassed.
"You and Minho make that much noise?" Jeongin laughed while I stroked Hans hair.
"Yeah, he's vocal this one." Minho teases, causing Han to hide behind his hands.
"Don't." Han said.
"It's cute when you're flustered." Minho whispered.
"Han snuggled into his chest.
"So he's you boyfriend?" Jeongin asked, confused by the weird interactions.
"Yeah, he is. Keep it a secret, though." Minho stated, kissing the younger, making him blush.
He nodded and said "Theirs a new boy in the year above."
"Really?" I asked, hopeful.

"Yeah, he got kicked out of his last school for sleeping with too many people he's a bad boy and an f boy." Jeongin said.
"He could be nice, though." I said, embarrassed
"Felix, are you okay? He said f boy." Han stated, kissing Minho passionately.
"Yeah, I'm good. I want to get to know him." I said happy.
They looked at each other, worried.
"Is it a bad thing?" I asked anxious.
"Yeah, pretty bad. If he knows you like him, he might try to get to you and break your heart." Minho said, concerned.
I looked at the floor and then mumbled, "Maybe I shouldn't be interested."
"No, if you want to, you can, but don't run to us when you get your heart broken." Minho stated, hugging Han tighter and looking into his eyes, making him blush.
I walked away from their apartment and sat on my bed. I thought maybe I should try to know this boy. By the description, he seemed like a walking red flag, but that wasn't going to stop me. I walked out of our collage and down to the store. I wanted to pick up some things to take my mind off this boy. I entered and was looking around for some chocolate when they guy putting away the chocolate I wanted looked over at me, and I felt my heart racing he was tall and thin and had shoulder-length black hair.
As I was about to talk to him, he wandered off to help some lady at the till. I picked up my chocolate and headed into the line by the time it was my go he was staring at me with his dark eyes. I gulped and then placed the bar onto the counter.
"You're cute, aren't you?" The boy said.
"U-umm t-thanks." I said, blushing like crazy I handed my money over, and when I wanted to ask for his number, he had gone into another room being called for. I couldn't make out his name, but it started with an H. I opened my chocolate and rushed back to campus to meet up with Minho and Han again. I knocked on their door. "Oh hey, come in, wondered where you went." Minho said, leading me towards the chair.

"I went across the road and saw the most handsome guy working I'm the shop." I said, imagining his face again.
"He may be handsome, but what if he had a girlfriend." Han questioned, sitting in Minho's lap, making him groan.
"Erm, well, he called me cute so." I said, doubting my hearing.
"Cute aye? What did he look like?" Minho asked, snaking his arms around Han's waist.
"Well, he was tall, slim, beautiful eyes and shoulder-length hair." I said listing of the things I remembered. Han whispered into Minho's ear, but I couldn't hear anything that he said.
"Well, he sounds great." Minho said a little too sarcasticly for my liking.
"What are you not telling me?" I asked clearly, seeing the way the two's mood changes once I had listed the things off about this guy.

"It's nothing. Anyway, we are moving into our second year at college tomorrow. Isn't that exciting?" Han said, changing the subject.
I thought for a moment but then nodded in agreement it was kinda exciting second year, and more music to do it makes everything more exciting, and tomorrow we get our results back for our song.
"I'm going to go make food, then sleep. See you at the hall for music." I waved goodbye and headed to my dorm room. I quickly cooked some noodles, ate them, had a shower, and then got into bed. I laid there for a while but soon fell asleep. I woke up to the sound of my alarm realising it was time to get ready. All my clothes were already hanging by the door, so I quickly showered and then changed into a cropped shirt with baggy trousers Slipped my shoes on and ran down to my lecture to make it just in time.
"Welcome back, everyone. I hope you're all ready for your results. I will hand them to the leader of your group." The teacher said, passing them out. we were all anxious to see what we had got when Chan had received ours he opened it, a gawped.
"How did we do?" Seungmin asked impatient.

"We we got 100%!" Chan said dimples showing.
I couldn't believe it 100%. Our teacher had doubted us the most cause of seven of us working together but we had proved that it's not impossible.
"So the ones with the highest score were Chan's group. I am very pleased with yours considering you had seven people to work with." The teacher said, clapping us. The rest of the class clapped for us as well. Minho took the paper off of Chan and looked at it, reading through the feedback.
Han had his head rested onto Minhos's shoulder, but he quickly saw Lia glaring and got off of him.
"What did you take your head off for, hmm?" Minho whispered into Han's ear.
"Lia." He mumbled, shaking his leg. I watched him scoot towards me, and I stilled his leg by putting my hand onto it.
"Ignore her. You know you're the only one I want." Minho whispered, winking at Han.
"Get a room." Changbin complained, glaring at the two.

"Nope." Minho said, turning away.
The lecture on our next topic of music carried on for way too long, but it was finally finished, and we all got up and left for the cafeteria.

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