Heat (Price)

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A few months ago, Captain Jhon Price got this type of secundary-new-part-of-his-life the moment his superiors and teammates voted him to take care of the new hybrid that was sent by the government to help in missions. This hybrid's description was one of the best they had received ever. Extremely good health, adult (which meant less problems), strength, stealth, intelligence...it had everything they could have asked for.

But as good as you were as a hybrid, you still were a hybrid, which meant you had this different...complications that unfortunately, or fortunately enough for you, the Captain had to take care of.

As the weeks went on the moment he received you, he was distant and really cold. Only spoke the necessary and mostly trained you so you could accommodate to his barracks and how his team worked. Everyone seemed to love you despite the differences in between the barrier of human and hybrids.

After the first month, you were sent with a small group of people to your first mission, as expected, it was a complete success and you were rewarded with a nice teeth cleaner, maybe it wasn't the most great gift, but for you, it was everything.

After that successful first mission, you were sent regularly a few times a week. Each one of them a success until one day, you went to a mission and got captured. You were kept hostage and after a few days you were rescued.

Since that day, you haven't been allowed to go to missions, not because you weren't capable, but because someone didn't let you.

"You won't get hurt here." He told you every time you asked to go on a mission.

"I won't tolerate seeing you hurt like I did last time, y/n. Please understand."

"Go back to bed, I'll be in the bedroom soon..."

Price became protective of you, he cared. He didn't let you take a knife by yourself even in between meals. He started folding your clothes, brushing your fluffy tail and pointy ears. He made sure you had your clothes clean, your bed well done...He even didn't let you be alone.

Where he was, you were by his side or somewhere at the proximity of less than 10 meters away.

At the beginning, you remembered, when you arrived at this barracks, he used to use the usual leash and muzzle to keep you in check, if for some reason you became feral - as some hybrids before did - and tried to attack someone, you wouldn't be able to do so because of the restrainers.

After your incident, you became a hybrid who belonged to a person, just because. You lost your purpose, you thought, you were useless.

"You aren't useless, darling...you are my preoccupation and my responsibility, and as it is, you won't touch the battlefield until it is safe out there." He told you one day, caressing your soft ears as you were sat beside him.

Your life turned 180° degrees in just a few months...you were supposed to be in war, not here, being pampered.

It didn't make you angry, it just made you sad most of the time, and as more sad you got, the more he tried to comfort and protect you. Maybe with just a simple pat, a warm lunch or a warm bath. But he tried to make your life in the barracks...normal. Like the life of someone who didn't have to fight for the good.

And it made you even more sad. Having to waste his time with your uselessness.

Today, you woke up crying. Your bed felt cold, extremely cold and lonely. Price woke up immediately the moment he heard your loud sobs and went to your bed, laying down right beside you and wrapping his arms around your frame.

"Shh...what's wrong, puppy? Was it a nightmare?" You just hugged him back, your trembling body clinging closer as you continued crying, tears dripping down to his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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