The new knight

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Summary:Arthur is in a council meeting that lasts all day and a new knight doesn't like the way Merlin talks about Arthur or acts towards knights so he arrests him, not knowing who he is and thinking he's just a regular commoner, and Leon notices he's missing.

Sir Ean's pov:
I was talking to the head knight ,Sir Leon, about my training and how well I was progressing when a servant walked up and interrupted us.
"Leon can you please tell Arthur that, no he can not fight off 6 wild bears single handedly and without a sword, because the prat thinks he stands a chance and I'm worried that he will actually try and do it."

How dare a servant interrupt two knights of noble blood talking about important matters, talk to the head knight as if they are friend AND insult the king by calling him a 'prat' and saying that he couldn't fight off 6 bears. Any knight could do that with ease and I bet the king could fight off 10. He even killed the great dragon. How would a servant even know King Arthur spoke off such things? He must be spying on him! I must arrest him and maybe I will even get promoted! (A/n Can knights get promoted?)

Sie Leon must not have listened to what he was saying (and I can't blame him because he is just a commoner after all) because he just said, "Of course Merlin."
Merlin. The name felt like venom in my mouth. Oh well I would deal with him accordingly later.

Time skip

I found Merlin walking down the hall all on his own and cornered him. "You are under arrest." I said, grabbing him and dragging the smaller boy down to the dungeons.
"What for?" He had the audacity to be confused!
"For not staying in your lane." I hissed at him. I wondered why he didn't look worried but couldn't be bothered to ask.

We arrived at the dungeons and I threw him in. He landed on the hard floor with a soft yell of pain. Pathetic. (A/n He had 3 broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder from an attack. They were both on the side that he landed on.) I walked off with the key to make sure he couldn't escape and smiled to myself. Only a knight for a week and always one arrest. I am amazing! (A/n 🤢🤮)

Leon's pov:
I went up the the other knights of the round table, "Have any of you seen Merlin? I told Arthur I would look after him while he's at his meeting and he wandered off while I was talking to one of the new knights." I asked. They all shook their heads. "Oh god, Arthur's going g to kill me if anything happens to him, can you help me look?"
"Course mate!" Gwaine said.

Time skip

We have searched everywhere and could not find him just then Arthur came out.
"Hi guys. Where's Merlin?" Oh god I'm dead. I'm so dead.
"We don't know." I said.
"What do you mean you don't know I told you to look after him didn't I?"
"I know sire but I was talking to a new knight and when u turned around he was gone and I got the others help to look for him and we can't find him anywhere."
"Well where is this knight? Maybe he knows something."

We found Sir Ean looking very pleased with himself by the training dummies. "Sire!" He bowed when Arthur came up to him.
"Hello, have you seen anyone called Merlin by chance. Leon said you were there when he disappeared." He said.
Ean's smile grew wider, "Of course. Right this way sire!"
We followed him down into the dungeons where in a cell at the end, sat Merlin. Oh, I am so dead. "Hello, you prat. Took you long enough." Merlin said, standing up.
Arthur turned to Ean, "Where's the key?" He asked, surprisingly calm. Oh god, I am so dead! Ean took the key of off his person and gave it to him. Arthur opened the cell, mutch to his confusion, and Merlin stepped out. "I'm going to Giaus." He said and walked off.

All the knights turned to Ean, who stood there like a deer in headlights, (A/n I KNOW IT WOULDNT BE A SAYING BUT SHHHHHH) "Why did you arrest him?" Arthur asked.
"He was incredibly disrespectful to me and sir Leon." He stuttered out. The knights turned to me.
"He doesn't speak for me, I had no idea what he was planning to do!" I said quickly. We all turned back to Ean again.

Let's just say Ean lost all his titals and was banished from Camalot with a black eye and a limp.

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