𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐃𝐀𝐘             It was now the next morning Mai woke up early to start packing her things she didn't pack all of her clothes since she had more clothes back at the Sato mansion

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          It was now the next morning Mai woke up early to start packing her things she didn't pack all of her clothes since she had more clothes back at the Sato mansion .

Looking in her closet the box containing all the letters from Iroh and her father she hid it where only she can find it . Even though no one will come in her room and snoop she still wanted to keep it safe , it was only pieces of paper but Mai cherished it like gold ...

Closing the closet , getting her bags and walking out her room then closing the door behind her . "Mai , the boat is going to departure in 5 minutes" A guard said . "I know , if you don't mind can you take my bags I need to talk to Fire Lord Izumi" Mai said hoping he would do as she says ."

"Yes ma'am!" He said getting her bags then heading the opposite the direction. Mai turned the other way heading to the throne room where her mentor would always be in. Two guards opened the door without questioning and revealing Izumi sitting down ."

"Hello Mai , are your things packed already?" Izumi asked looking at Mai who was walking towards her , her student then bowed . "Yes ma'am, I'll be leaving soon" Mai said standing straight up looking at Izumi."

"You know , you don't have to bow whenever you see me ever since my father and I took you in as our discipline you became more like family" Izumi said with a smile . Mai was warmed by her words ."

"Thank you for taking care of me , words can't express how grateful I am to be trained by you and Fire Lord Zuko" Mai said with a slight smile , Izumi smiled back got up from her chair ."

Walking down the steps and stopping infront of Mai then gave her a hug . "You're like a daughter I never knew I needed" Izumi said shocking Mai by her words ."

Mai always saw Izumi as her second mother and was warmed by her words but shocked by it as well . "You're like my second mom and I appreciate everything you done for me" Mai said hugging back Izumi ."

The two were in a warm embrace suddenly the big doors opened revealing Zuko who saw his daughter and his discipline in a warm embrace. Zuko coughed getting their attention seeing them letting go of the hug .

Mai was going to bow but Izumi stopped her making Mai stand up straight . "Ah , Mai the boat is ready now I'll be escorting you" Zuko stated , Mai looked at Izumi . "Thank you for everything..." Mai said bowing once again ."

Izumi bowed back , then Mai walked away going to Zuko and the two left the room . Izumi grew fond to Mai ever since her son left the palace , the two children she truly loved now left her but she knows that they are growing up ...

"I'll miss you Mai ..."

"You have become a strong woman Mai you've grown over the years of training . You are always welcome to the palace and come whenever you like" Zuko said the two were now outside at the docks ."

"Thank you Fire Lord Zuko , I appreciate you for everything you've done for me" Mai said and Zuko gave her a slight smile . "You're welcome Mai , it's time for you to go" Zuko stated looking at the ship Mai will be leaving in ."

Mai gave Zuko a hug then let go . "Goodbye Fire Lord Zuko" Mai said bowing then walking up the ramp to enter the ship. Zuko was stunned by his student sudden action but smiled knowing after years of training her , she trusted and respected him ...

"You'll become a greater firebender than I and Izumi have ever been"

Mai entered the ship and put her things in the small room she'll sleep in for a while before arriving to Republic City ...

A knock was on her door then said a polite 'Come in' suddenly the door opened seeing a guard . "My lady we will be arriving tomorrow morning , if you need something feel free to ask me" The guard stated . "I will" Mai said signaling the guard to leave and did ."

The door being closed and Mai locked it since she didn't feel comfortable knowing her door wasn't secured. Opening her bag taking out a journal that she wrote in ever since her training with her mentors ...

"Already miss them it hasn't even been a day."

Sighing deeply and started to write down her thoughts , emotions and things she would want to do when she would arrive in Republic City ...

Writing down her feelings would help her get everything out without having to interact with someone then having to worry about someone telling everyone your business.

"This is so troublesome" Mai mumbled to herself flipping to another page and doodling random things that came to mind ."

Doodling a dragon but it wasn't any dragon it was her mentors dragon 'Druk'  , she remembers meeting him face to face ...


"Mai come here I want you to meet Druk" Zuko said looking at his dragon who was standing near him. He gave Mai a very stern and serious look ."

Approaching the both of them , she carefully walked towards them not wanting to be burnt to pieces .

Mai was in front of Druk . "Leave your hand out and patiently wait for him" Zuko said looking at his discipline, he knows Druk would trust Mai but it would take some time ."

Mai leaving her hand out hesitatingly not wanting her right arm to be gone if she made one wrong move .

Druk came closer to her hand sniffing it a bit then putting her forehead on her tiny hand . Mai was stunned by the sudden contact with his gigantic forehead.

Petting it slightly , Mai looked in Druk eyes . It felt warm and welcoming she felt a connection towards him .

"Now he trusts you , we will be doing the dragon dance that Ive wanting to show you before we move on to other things" Zuko said ."


Druk was the only animal that she trusted and will forever love that big red beast ...

It was getting late and the sun was setting she lost track of time , getting for bed putting her things away in her bag so when she wakes up it won't stress her out .

Laying on her bed putting a blanket over herself , looking at the metal ceiling she started to get lost her thoughts ...

"We are under the same stars and moon but we are still so far from each other, Iroh..."

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