2012: Best mates

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The brightness of the room bore down on Kaz long before she awoke. As it was she opened her hazel eyes and groaned softly. She squinted in the bright sunlight pouring through the window and realized it must be after eleven. She lifted her head off what she thought was a pillow and nearly passed out. The room started spinning so she laid back down and realized her left hand was clamped around another hand. Kazza turned her head ever so slightly to the left and caught sight of Matt's quiff before returning to her original position. Why was she lying on top of Matt? What had happened last-? She closed her eyes and flashes of last night burned her eyelids, the wine, smoke, the kiss and Matt. Kazza smiled through her closed eyes then remembered why it hurt to move. Why she had a splitting headache. They had been drunk. After they had stumbled back to their room they had collapsed on the bed. On top of each other. Kaz found she could move a little more now so she sat up, moving her hand out of Matt's. The sudden movement jerked Matt awake. 

"Wha?" He asked, his British accent heavy. 

"Oh Matt I'm sorry." Kazza said, smiling slightly. 

"What happened?" Matt said groggily. 

"We got drunk." Kaz said stroking his forehead. 

"And collapsed in bed." Matt continued, remembering. 

"Yes." She breathed and wish she could kiss him. 

She remembered vaguely last night kissing some guy and wishing she can kiss Matt. And so she did. His lips were soft and warm and even though they both tasted like wine and beer. Kaz found that after a moment that Matt was kissing back. After what seemed like forever they broke apart, Kazza's long red hair fell in Matt's face but he didn't seem to mind. She sat up the rest of the way. 

"Well, it's late, so let's go get something to eat before the flight." She said, smoothing her hair back and standing. 

"Yeah." He said sitting up. 


"I see a photographer over there." Matt told Kazza as they left a store. 

"Oh let them come." She said nonchalantly. "They probably already have had a fit over last night; nothing else we could do could be more newsworthy than that." She laughed and he did too. 

They must a sight, she in the same clothes as yesterday and him, in a bright blue Mickey Mouse T-shirt. There is no way the press wouldn't print SOMETHING about this. 

"Want to get something to eat?" Matt asked softly. 

"Yeah." She answered. "That sounds good." 


"Did you enjoy filling in Spain?" Someone asked. 

"Yes it was brilliant." Matt said.

 "It was so much fun." Kaz echoed. 

"Yes I got the impression back home that you were enjoying yourselves." Moffat mentioned. 

Kaz tried to act cool but it didn't work. 

"Um the scale of the set was amazing-" Matt tried.

 Moffat snorted and Kaz started to laugh. 

"Moffat!" Kazza burst out over her laughter. 

"-where they filmed Lawrence of Arabia-" Matt continued. "-Indiana Jones...I'm still talking..." 

Kaz laughed so hard tears came out of her eyes. 


 Kaz lay on her bed and sighed. She loved Matt. Yes of course she did. She wished she knew if her best mate loved her too.

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