BDSM (Winner x Dean) Part 14

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song:The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather

Prem and his friends were heading to class when Boun approached him, a sense of urgency in his demeanor.

Boun: "Prem, let's talk. Can we please... let me explain myself?"

Prem's expression remained stoic, his calmness sending a chill down Boun's spine.

Prem: "Explain? What do you want to explain? Out of all the things you've done, give me one example."

Boun's resolve faltered under Prem's unwavering gaze.

Boun: "I know 'sorry' doesn't cut it in our situation, and I'm not going to say sorry. I just... I just want to ask if you could try to open your heart to me. Please, give me a chance to make things right. I don't need your effort; just let me."

Prem's voice was laced with bitterness as he responded.

Prem: "Break my heart again? After all, it's just a heart, right? It doesn't matter. You used to say that, didn't you?"

Boun struggled to find the right words, his gaze shifting uncomfortably.

Boun: "It's not like that, Prem."

Prem's voice rose with frustration, his pent-up emotions finally boiling over.

Prem: "How is it not like that, Boun? Tell me. You'll never understand the pain I go through every day. You're not the ignored middle child, the bullied student, the invisible friend, or the unloved lover. It's me. I'm the problem here, and I always will be."

Boun attempted to interject, but Prem's words poured out unchecked.

Prem: "There's nothing left to listen to, Boun. All I ever wanted from you was attention and a fraction of your love. You pushed me to the point where I craved love more than life itself. Do you understand how empty I feel now?"

Boun's desperation grew as he searched Prem's face for any sign of emotion, but Prem remained eerily composed.

Boun: "Where are your emotions, Prem? Why are you like this?"

Prem's response was cold and calculated, devoid of any semblance of warmth.

Prem: "Fascinating, isn't it? Look what you've made, Boun. Look at what you've turned me into."

With that, Prem turned and walked away, leaving Boun to grapple with the consequences of his actions.

The emptiness in Prem's eyes haunted Boun, a stark reminder of the void he had unwittingly carved into his lover's heart. It was a silence louder than any words, echoing with the pain of unspoken regrets and shattered dreams.

Tears welled up in Boun's eyes, blurring his vision as he watched Prem disappear into the distance.

Lost in his thoughts, Boun barely noticed as he stumbled upon a familiar face standing in the hallway, watching him with concern.

It was Winner, his expression a mixture of sympathy and apprehension.

Winner: "Hey, Boun. Are you okay?"

Boun shook his head, unable to hide the turmoil raging within him.

Boun: "No, I'm not. I messed up, Winner. I messed up big time."

And if I may just take your breath away
I don't mind if there's not much to say
Sometimes the silence guides a mind
To move to a place so far away

Pitbabe the series [Book 2]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon