Twilight- ollie cullen

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You where in the cullens house packing the bag for your daughter and wife speeding round the house "daddy" your 3 year old shouts "one second darling" you say as you place everything in the car and come back to her she was in emmets arms "daddy!!" She shouts and walks over to you and you pick her up "hello jelly bean" you say as you spin her round "mommy!!" She says when your wife walks out as she does you couldn't stop looking at her vampires had a few months a year where they where so horny it changed everything about them "Ollie Cullen calm down" jasper says and Edward laughs "looks like it's that month for Ollie" emmet says as the boys laugh "we get it too you know" your wife says "oh I am fully aware love" you say as your daughter runs to emmet again

"atlesst your not as bad as me and emmet" rose says and they all laugh a little "your going to be gone for 2 weeks.. fuck how am I going to cope" you say as it was the height of your month "you have a hand love use it" your wife says and the family laughs at your face "fine whatever when she is asleep send me a photo of what i know if under what your wearing and I will use my hand to that" you say proudly "to much info Ollie" Alice says "no actually" you says and laugh so does Carlisle "we would all do the same" the boys say in the room

"I will send you something I am sure of it baby" she says "you better love" you say as they both make it to the car "who wants to come with me to drop these to the airport" you say and jasper and emmet nod and you say goodbye to everyone and gets in the car "right everyone ready" you say as you start the car "yes we are" they say and you start the car and drive out and pull onto the highway and speed up to 100 mph almost straight away and you go to move into the takeaway lane and one guy wouldn't let you "going to kill this fucker" you say as you speed up and he speeds up and pulls infront of you "fucking prick" you say as you over take him and speed away "fucking humans man" you say as you speed to the airport and when you do your wife kisses you goodbye and so does your daughter and you say your goodbye and they walk off and you get in the car "you two need to hunt or no" you say as you drive bake "yes I do" jasper says "so do I" emmet says as hi eyes turn pitch black jasper and Ollie have never emmet be his vampire self before it was strange to them he was the cheery emmet "Ollie pull over the car" he says "emmet" you say "pull over the car Ollie" he says and you do and he gets out the car

"jasper what is he feeling rn" you say and he looks at you "hunger" he simply says emmet let out a growl when a human walks out the bush and emmet walks over to her "hey man you okay you look high as" she says "emmet stop" you say "no" he says as he looks at her and speed over sinking his teeth into her neck he hasn't had human blood in so long it felt better then animal blood it cured his hunger quicker "Carlisle!" Alice shouted seeing a vision of his brother "yes Alice" he speeds into the room "emmet he lost control on the way back from the airport he missed the taste of human blood" she says and Carlisle speeds to his car with Alice and rose and pulls up to where they where Jasper and you where trying to stop him from feeding off anyone else

"emmet baby" rose says he spins his head round he eyes where black and he was his true vampire self Jasper let's out a growl  so did Ollie "fuck we need to get these two home" Alice says as the others pull up "Jasper Ollie home now" grabbing you both but you get out their grip and you speed to emmet and throw him off her "don't touch her" you say as you suck the venom back out of her and she coughs "there you go love" you say as she nods and emmet comes out of it "shit" he says as he relies "fuck fuck" he says again and again "is she alright" he says sadly "yes emmet i saved her" you say as you phone buzzes and you look at it "fuckk.. i mean it's just a message" you say noticing the family laughing "lets get everyone home" we all nod

As we all arrive you walk in the house and speed up to your room "oh god here we go" the family say "all of a sudden I love classical music" she says and you sigh a pointless one as your hand wasn't going to help you where a vampire everything it on high "fuck" you say and you get up and speed down to the kitchen and grabbed a blood bad and poured it into a glass with a little bit of red wine and you walk into the living room "you hand not enough brother" Jasper says "no it's not need her here so I guess I am going to be on cranky and hungry vampire for a week" you say "oh great"they all say and you all burst out laughing "being a vampire is the best thing that has happened to me though" you say as you start to feel the horny side coming back "go away!!" You say to yourself and sit down "fuck@ you say as you put a pillow over your lap everyone laughing "this is going to be funny" Carlisle says

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