Twilight- newborn

18 0 0

Tw: death, blood, failed pregnancy

You where at the cullens house wrapped up in a blanket looking into the fire that emmet lit for you Carlisle came in with some tea "drink it y/n trust me" "I can't" you say as you keep looking into the fire "y/n please" jasper says as he kneels down infront of you that's when you break and you start to cry "jasper I can't do this anymore I can't keep losing people I am nearly 19 and I have lost my dad my mum my ex boyfriend and my sister.. and now my own baby" you say as you hold your stomach you get up and you fall to your knees the cullens have never seen one human go through so much pain "jasper get rid of these emotions" you say looking him straight in the eyes "I can't y/n you need to feel it and you know my gift doesn't work like that" he says as he holds her "kill me then" you say with no hesitation and the most emotionless face the Cullen have ever seen

"Y/n I can't kill you" he says as Carlisle looks down at you "y/n I need you to listen to me this will pass it will get better" he says as I look at him "when's the funeral" "in a week" emmet says "how long done it take to turn" "3 days maximum" Alice says "perfect" I say as I take the knife off the side "y/n put it down" esme says as she moves closer "being a vampire isn't going to solve this" she says "stay there or I swear to god I will end it all right here" "okay..okay y/n" "y/n please we just want you to get better and by doing that you need to" but by the time he finished the knife was already ing her stomach and she was on the floor bleeding out "y/n y/n" he says again and again then the blood hit him and he holds his breath "y/n wake the fuck up" he nearly yells "turn her Carlisle turn her please" he begs his dad "Jasper I haven't turn someone in so long if I bite into her neck I may not be able to turn her" he says disgusted about himself esme holds him close and rubs his waist

"Then I will" he says in a growl "Jasper" Alice says in a warning tone but it was too late his teeth was in you neck he wasn't feeding though he was transferring his venom into your body it was extremely painful for both of them but he managed he stop his eyes turning red after that but he would happily want red eyes then you be dead he rushed you to the couch "I am impressed Jasper" he smiles at his dad "thank you" Jasper puts your head on his lap waiting for you to wake up everyone would go hunt but him he wanted to be hungry so he could hunt with you his eyes was a deep black he was so deep in thought when his family was hunting that he didn't hear you groan next to him till you tapped him on the shoulder "Jasper" you weakly say

"Y/n your awake" he says with a smile "yes and I am hungry" you say as you get up your black red eyes really matching his then you look into his eyes and he looks into your "Jasper" you say "shush love" he says as he kisses you and pins you to the wall "Jasper" you giggling forgetting about all the bad thing that happened to you when you where human it wasn't till you notice the date that it comes back to you "sorry Jasper" you say "hey it's okay let's go get you fed love and ready for this funeral okay" he says and I nod and the family comes back "hello y/n Cullen" Alice says "hello Alice cullen" you say giggling with her "did we miss something" emmet says and rose giggles "me and Jasper are together" you say as you pull him out the house to go hunt

It was the next day it wasn't long till the funeral everyone helped you and took care of you and Alice helped you got ready you wore a black slim fit dress that want down to your ankles then black heels your hair was down and straight everyone was waiting especially Jasper as you walked down his eyes locked on your body and looked you up and down before you smile "are you feeling okay Jasper" you say with a smirk he fakes coughs "huh oh yeah just fine.." he says then whispers "fuck" they all let out a laugh and you giggle "you can rip it off me soon love I promise" "well if your promising then I won't stop imagining what I am imagining right now" that's when you stop walking "oh you cheeky boy" you say as you run in the house into the car and everyone else get in "thank for distracting me"

You where all stood in the church when the smell of blood went through the church of course only you and the other could smell it but you where still a newborn you where up saying thing about your family when the smell hit you "I umm I" you say as you grip onto the stand "umm I" you say again with a small growl then jasper was by your side bringing you back to your seat "Jasper the blood there is so much blood" "i know love I know hold your breath okay" he says as you cling to his suit "I am losing it Jasper" "you have 4 seconds before I turn around and go lill this prick" Jacob says to all the vampires in the room "no Jacob don't" Jasper says "4..3..2..1.." he says "wait wait y/n feed from me" Zack says who was right next to her and also her best friend Jasper nods and y/n turns to the boy "that is a terrifying look" "it's because she is hungry Zack just let her feed off you" Jasper says "nah nah" he says and runs off "a hunting game great" emmet says you where already out the door chasing your best friend

"Zack I can smell you for miles I know where you are" you say then a twig snaps it was him you turn around and bite into his neck not being able to stop "y/n" Jasper says in a warning tone "y/n you need to stop" Carlisle says then you let out a scream the blood burning your insides causing you to throw it all back up Jasper rushes next to you holding you "hey it's okay maybe you need blood from a blood bag or an animal" he says and you nod and go home and try the blood bag it stays down "can me and jasper have the house please" you say to the family "yes Ofc you can sweetheart" esme says getting rid of them all

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