CHAPTER 7: The challenge

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As Emily observed, her boss directed her attention towards the theater stage below. From their vantage point in the VIP lounge, they had an unobstructed view of the entire theater, where only two figures occupied the space. One stood on the podium, dressed in a circus-like attire, while the other, elegantly dressed, sat in a seat meant for the audience.

The elegantly dressed man spoke loudly, introducing himself, "I'm Matthiew Rondricson, your instructor for this challenge that you've voluntarily accepted."

Internally, Emily pondered, "A challenge? But what challenge?" . Her gaze flickered between Matthiew and Camillo, her eyes widening in disbelief as she tried to process the chilling implications of the challenge ahead. "They can't be serious, can they?" she wondered, her voice barely above a whisper as she struggled to find the words to express her shock.

Matthiew continued, his voice calm as he read from a document in his hand, "You're Camillo Rodriguez, aged 35, unemployed. You're married to Anna Rodriguez, and you have two children, Samy and Catalina." He paused, glancing at Camillo on the stage. "Is that correct?"

Camillo affirmed, "Yes, Sir," as Emily questioned internally, "What's going on exactly?"

Matthiew proceeded, "Then you confirm that you signed a contract for this challenge, which includes your reward if you win?"

Camillo, unsure of what lay ahead, hesitantly replied, "Yes, sir," while Emily wondered about the reward.

Matthiew then clarified, "So you already know the conditions... If you win, you'll go home and receive the reward immediately. And if, by any chance, you lose this challenge ,which  there's a slim chance for you to leave with your  integrity intact, and, of course, your wallet will be empty."

Shocked by Matthiew's words, Camillo asked, "What do you mean by there's a slim chance that I'll leave with my integrity intact?"

Ignoring Camillo's question, Matthiew concluded confidently, "You will know soon enough."

Emily observed the scene unfold, feeling a sense of unease creep over her as she tried to make sense of the mysterious challenge and its ominous implications.

Matthiew declared  "Alright, if you're ready now, let's begin the challenge."

Matthiew's declaration hung heavily in the air, setting the stage for the impending challenge. Camillo's confusion was palpable as he struggled to make sense of the situation. "Wait! There's no competition? Where are the other players?" he queried, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

With an air of detachment, Matthiew clarified, "Sir, it's an individual challenge. You've chosen to face it alone, without competition." His tone was matter-of-fact.

He paused before continuing, "Here is your first task in this challenge: Acrobatic Maneuvers. You must swing from ropes to ropes, leap across platforms, and for the landing, you have to execute an acrobatic jump to avoid fractures."

Emily wondered with surprise "An acrobatic Maneuvers!?  But what if Camillo isn't a circus professional?" she thought to herself, careful not to attract her boss's attention by suppressing any sudden reactions.

Camillo's concern mounted as he contemplated the risks involved. "And what if I fall?" he ventured, his voice betraying a hint of fear. Emily silently echoed his question, her own anxiety mounting with each passing moment.

Matthiew's response was chillingly indifferent. "Well, that's it. We won't guarantee your survival through this challenge. If you fail on your first task, that means you've failed," he stated bluntly, his words hanging ominously in the air.

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