CHAPTER 6: Arena

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As Emily arrived at the location specified on the invitation card, her nerves were on edge, and she couldn't shake the feeling of fear and anticipation. "What am I getting myself into?" she wondered, her thoughts racing. Each passing moment only seemed to heighten her anxiety, and she found herself bracing for whatever awaited her.

Just before 7:00 pm, a sleek black car pulled up in front of Emily, causing her heart to race even faster. "This is it," she thought, her palms clammy with nervousness. She stood frozen, ready to bolt if things took a turn for the worse. But then, a distinguished-looking older man emerged from the car, exuding an air of authority and elegance.

"Good evening, Miss," he greeted courteously, extending his hand. "May I see your invitation card, please?"

Emily's mind raced as she handed him the card '' g-good-evening '', her hands trembling with nervousness'' here''. "What if this is a mistake?" she thought, her anxiety growing with each passing second. The man inspected the card before returning it to her with a gracious nod.

"Miss Limbourg, may I introduce myself," he continued, gesturing with a respectful demeanor. "I am Otrius, the Major D'homme."

With a gesture of his hand, he opened the car door, inviting Emily to step inside ,'' i will be the one who will escort you '' he said. Uncertain but compelled by the air of sophistication and reassurance Otrius exuded, Emily hesitated for a moment before finally accepting the invitation.

During the journey to their destination, Emily attempted to glean more information from Otrius, her curiosity getting the better of her. "Can I ask where we are going?" she inquired tentatively.

With a calm and cryptic smile, Otrius gently replied, "May I advise you, Miss?" When Emily nodded in confusion, Otrius glanced at her through the rearview mirror. "Why spoil the movie when it's just started? Enjoy the view instead; you'll find out soon enough."

Emily realized that she wouldn't get any further answers from Otrius and resigned herself to silence for the remainder of the journey. "I guess I'll have to wait and see," she thought, trying to calm her racing thoughts. As they finally arrived at the towering building, Otrius stepped out of the car to open the door for Emily, gesturing gracefully.

"Your destination, Miss," he announced, and as Emily emerged from the car, she couldn't help but be awed by the grandeur of the building before her. Despite her lingering apprehension, a spark of excitement ignited within her at the prospect of what lay ahead.

As Emily stepped out of the car, she was struck by the sheer magnitude of the building before her. Its grandeur was undeniable, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as she made her way inside. The opulence of the lobby took her by surprise, and she found herself marveling at the luxurious surroundings.

"That's... unexpected," Emily murmured to herself as she admired a captivating painting on the wall.

"Miss Limbourg," Otrius's calm voice interrupted her thoughts, causing her to turn towards him with a smile.

"Shall you follow me, please?" Otrius gestured towards the elevator, and Emily nodded in agreement, her curiosity piqued.

As they rode the elevator together, Emily couldn't resist the urge to satisfy her curiosity.

"May I ask something?" Emily inquired, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Otrius responded with a smile and a nod, indicating his willingness to answer her question.

"How is the boss? Is he kind? Strict?" Emily asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

Otrius's smile faltered slightly as he considered his response. "Wrong question, Miss. You know, people never let their guard down so quickly. It takes time to truly know someone, and they only show you what they want you to see," he explained cryptically. "That's why you need to be careful and not trust anyone too easily."

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