Chapter 111

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The landscape went by in a blur.  She was lost in her thoughts, wondering what would happen if he didn't remember anything.

Maybe it would be better if he didn't. Then he could forget how bad he'd felt. But he might not remember her either.

They arrived separately and went through the underground entrance then found each other once inside. 

Hospital staff led them through several identical, white corridors to the private waiting room. The bodyguards stood outside the door as the siblings and the members of the Royal Family passed through.

They were met by Louise who greeted them while Rickard kept his distance. She'd been devastated and suspicious the first time she'd met Sara days earlier, but it was different now.

Louise immediately reached out and took Sara's hand, giving her a warm, sincere smile.  Then she turned to greet Wilhelm, Ludvig, and Simon.

Simon and Wilhelm moved away and sat together. They heard Ludvig apologize for Kristina's absence, making an excuse they knew wasn't true. 

Louise decided that Sara should see August right away and soon the nurse was there to take her to his room. Simon watched her as she followed the nurse out. She turned back and shook her head. She would be fine on her own.

They waited and suddenly Wilhelm heard Erik's name. Louise gave her condolences again and Ludvig thanked her, saying that it must have been very difficult for August as well. 

Wilhelm wondered if they would ever have an honest conversation about everything that had happened between their families, but then he thought it was better for them to just forgive and move on.

Wilhelm glanced over at Rickard then turned back to Simon. Rickard was someone he had no interest in ever speaking to again.

He shifted over, laying his hand on Simon's.  Simon looked up at Wilhelm, smiling, then turned his palm upward and squeezed his hand.

Wilhelm sighed and realised he really needed to tell Simon. That he'd made up his mind.  He wouldn't be the Crown Prince, or King. He opened his mouth then felt eyes on him. He turned and met Rickard's eyes.  He looked away again and squeezed Simon's hand tighter.

From the doorway she could already see the tall, dark-haired figure lying motionless in the bed.  The room was dimly lit and the nurse explained to her that he was in and out of consciousness as he still needed rest so she could only stay a few minutes.

Sara nodded and the nurse left her alone.  She moved forward until she was looking down at him.  He looked fragile but peaceful, but with more color in his face than when she'd seen him a few days earlier. 

She could feel the tears welling in her eyes.  It was relief that washed over her now she could see with her own eyes he would be alright.

She reached out to touch his arm but pulled her hand back just before her fingers brushed his skin.  She quickly moved to the chair and sat down carefully, trying not to make noise over the beeping heart monitor.  

She sat waiting for any change and wondered at how innocent and childlike he was then.  But she remembered the torment in his eyes the day he'd left the trial.  It had been his lowest point but she hadn't realised in the moment.

She leaned forward and hesitated just a moment before she finally whispered, "You're not the worst person in the world...and you're not alone." 

She felt the warm tears brimming in her eyes suddenly spill over her cheeks.  She wiped them away then reached out to place her hand on the bed next to August's arm without touching him.

There was a deep, audible intake of breath and it startled her.  She lifted her head and saw that his eyes were still closed.  He exhaled slowly then turned his palm upward, letting his hand fall open. Sara looked down carefully placed her hand over it. He immediately clasped her fingers in his. 

His never opened his eyes but she heard him whisper, "Thank you."  She hesitated then leaned her head against his shoulder, comforted to be near him.


He stood in the doorway, surveying the room cautiously, paused, then asked, "Why did you want to see me?" As he said it Wilhelm realised it came out harsher than he intended. 

August glancing up at his couisin framed there and took a deep breath before replying, "I just wanted you to sorry I am, for everything."

Wilhelm froze, not expecting it at all. He shrugged, "You admitted what you did. You don't need to-"

"To Simon too." He added quietly. "I'm sorry."

Wilhelm hesitated then nodded and replied softly, "Thanks." There was a long silence between them.

August suddenly smiled up at Wilhelm. "Now they have to support you together, right? I mean, since they have no backup." 

Wilhelm scoffed and chewed the inside of his lower lip as he looked down at his cousin. "I guess...but I don't..." He shook his head and hesitated, afraid to say too much.

August narrowed his eyes, studying Wilhelm's expression carefully.  Wilhelm finally approached the bed and looked down at his cousin.

"I think...I'd rather normal."  Wilhelm thought back to his initiation party. Who wants to be normal anyway?  He doubted his cousin would understand.

"Hm." A smile slowly spread across August's lips again. He looked toward the window, thinking of Sara and how he would do absolutely anything for her, to keep her in his life. He understood Wilhelm's wish.

"Maybe you could still be Crown Prince?" Wilhelm suggested ironically, and he saw August's confusion. 

August shook his head. "I think that's over...I don't know if I want it anymore either."

Wilhelm lifted his brow and scoffed, "No? So, what now?" 

"They'll figure something out..." August looked down then up again, "What does the Queen say?"

Wilhelm shook his head and whispered, "She doesn't know yet." 

August was genuinely concerned for his cousin."But, will they...just let you go?" 

Wille shrugged his shoulders, "What else could they do to me?" 

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