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Both men grew closer and closer over the next days and weeks. They generally managed to keep their hands to themselves whilst at work, with the odd exception, usually when Gerard wore something particularly cute (or geeky), or when Frank was a little warm and had his shirt sleeves rolled up to reveal his delicious arms. One such occasion was currently being played out, as Frank held Gerard's thighs firm against his office door and gorged on his hard dick; Gerard desperately biting on his fist in an attempt to stave off any ungodly noises from escaping him and scarring poor Gail for life (who was sat mere meters away on the other side of the door).

Licking up the last of his cum, Frank finally rose from his knees and planted a cute kiss on the end of his boyfriend's nose.

"You good?" he calmly asked.

"No!" Gerard replied in a shaky voice. "How the fuck am I supposed to go out there now and look even remotely normal?"

"Not my problem" Frank smirked as he returned to his seat, smug in the fact he didn't have to face anyone for the rest of the day and could simply hide in his office.

"I hate you" Gerard huffed, tucking his shirt back into his pants.

"No you don't" Frank laughed.

"No. I really don't" Gerard grinned, before picking up his pretend file and leaving the office.

"Everything ok?" Ray asked as he made it back to his desk.

"Huh?" Gerard asked, trying not to look like he'd just received the best head he'd had since, well the previous morning. "Yeah! Everything's fine."

Ray smirked a little and went on his way, looking between Gerard and Frank's office door.

Gerard had recently introduced Frank to Mikey, which was quite a big deal for both. Frank had imagined his boyfriend's brother to be somewhat of a superhero with the way Gerard spoke about him. He had put Mikey up on a pedestal so high that Frank was expecting him to look down on him and interrogate him on his intentions towards his brother. He had gotten himself quite worked up about meeting the legendary younger Way, so was more than relieved when he eventually did meet him and found him to be just a nice, normal(ish) guy, who was very easy to get along with and not intimidating in the slightest.

After a long week at work, Gerard had a rare Friday off from his other work, so was spending the night at Frank's. Over dinner the two discussed work, as they often did. Frank's love of art and comics had made a return, and he knew it was because of Gerard's enthusiasm for it. He was full of ideas and suggestions and Frank couldn't help but get excited about work again.

"I miss the actual graphics side of things" Frank admitted. "It's all meeting, deadlines and paperwork now."

"Well, why don't we do something. How about we draw each other?" Gerard suggested seriously.

"No. I'm probably shit now" Frank dismissed.

"Who cares? Come on" Gerard said, getting to his feet and heading over to his bag.

He pulled out a large sketch pad and a selection of pencils.

Frank laughed. "You just carry all this around with you?"

"Yeah! I like to doodle" Gerard replied as he tore a couple of sheets from the pad.


"I can't Gee"

"Course you can. Anyone can fuckin' draw. You just put the pencil on the paper and move it around" he said sarcastically. "Doesn't matter what it comes out like. I don't care. Just have some fun, yeah?"

All Work and No Play - FrerardWhere stories live. Discover now