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Waking the following morning in a tangle of limbs was the most natural and perfect feeling in the world to Frank. He was draped across Gerard's chest with his arms wrapped firmly around his body. He could have easily lay there for a week, but his bladder had other ideas. He tried to quietly untangle himself without waking Gerard, and slipped into the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and couldn't help but smile. He looked.................happy. Yes - happy!

He tiptoed over to his closet and pulled out a pair of boxers before slipping them on.

Hearing a chuckle from the bed, he turned to find Gerard propping himself up and smiling widely.

"What?" Frank questioned.

"Oh. Just wondering what everyone at work would think if they knew the boss wore Mickey fuckin' Mouse underwear?" Gerard laughed loudly.

Frank looked down at himself and grinned. "Fuck you! They're comfortable. And Mickey's cool, okay?"

"Haha. Okay" Gerard giggled.

Frank squinted his eyes and ran over to the bed, launching himself on top of Gerard and effectively pinning him down.

"He is cool Gerard! Just say it!"

"He abso-fuckin'-lutely is not cool Frankie" Gerard teased. "I at least thought you'd wear Batman ones or something."

Frank loomed over Gerard, before leaning down and nipping at his nipple.

"Ow" Gerard squealed, before Frank did the same again, slightly harder.

"Say it!" he ordered, before biting harder still.

"Ow. Fuck!" Gerard laughed, trying to push Frank's head from his chest.

Frank continued and Gerard laughed at each bite, before finally relenting.

"Fine! Fuck! Ok Mickey Mouse is the coolest."

"Thank you" Frank smiled sweetly, pressing a kiss to Gerard's dry lips.

"The coolest fuckin' ugly rat that is!" Gerard mumbled against Frank's mouth, earning himself a slap to his bare leg that was hanging out of the bed.

For the next half hour, the two teased each other, kissing and cuddling in between all the banter. Frank again found himself curled up in Gerard's arms, holding on to him tightly.

"We better go!" Gerard announced, hearing a sigh from Frank as he did.

Reluctantly, the two dressed and headed out to work; coffees and cigarettes in hand as they exited the building. Frank held Gerard's hand for nearly the whole drive there; Gerard bubbling with excitement inside from the simple gesture. He dropped Gerard a couple of blocks away and the two kissed as though one of them was leaving on a military operation and they wouldn't be seeing each other for a year or something.

Gerard headed to his desk and made a good start on his day. His thoughts did keep drifting off to the night before and to Frank sat in his office, but he forced himself to concentrate on his piece.

Ray was sitting in with Frank going over some paperwork for most of the morning and couldn't help but see a difference in Frank.

As they took a little break for coffee, Ray took the opportunity to mention it.

"You seem different today!" he pointed out.

"Huh?" Frank replied with confusion.

"I dunno. You seem a bit more relaxed than usual."

"Do I?" Frank blushed. "I don't know why."

Ray smirked. "Have you met someone Frank?"

Frank's head snapped up and he looked nervous.

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