//Chapter sixteen//

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These last couple of weeks had been rather traumatizing and extremely crazy for sure and your mental and physical health had definitely been affected by them. And what do young people do during such phases? They change their hair. So you did that, even though you loved your long dark waves they could sometimes be annoying, so why not cut them off. You grabbed the scissors and started cutting and as you were finished your waist long hair was now only neck long. It was a big difference but you liked it, it suited you. And if you won't be shooting for a while than why not change a thing or two. And hair grows out so...You immediately FaceTimed Betty and showed her the hair, she told you how good it looks and that you don't have to worry and everything will be fine. After she hung up you had a weird feeling inside you, you felt guilty at some point. A sadly familiar lump started to build in your throat and your breath quickened, now you couldn't stop the tears from rolling anymore. You quickly ran to Raymond in your selfknitted socks, he was sitting in his office just taking care of some paper business for your brother. You were about to knock but you hesitated and overthought and then weren't sure it was a good idea to talk to him now, even though you really felt like talking. You wanted to leave again but as you took your first step the floorboard creaked and Raymond must've heard it because only shortly after he said:
You slowly turned around and opened the door. As he saw your red eyes and wet cheeks his entire body was immediately ready to fight. He reacted quickly and worriedly.
"Are you ok?"
He asked as he jumped up from his seat with a look on his face that made you almost even sadder, you nodded.
"Yeah. Well. No. Not really."
"What's wrong?"
He said while he was quickly walking up to you and stopped in front of you. He held on to your arms that you had folded in front of your chest while he was trying to get out of you what had happened.
"Is this a bad time? I can come back later-"
"No. No. Absolutely not. Sit down."
You sat down on the arm chair across the room and he pulled a chair in front of it to be able to look you in the eyes while talking. It took you a moment to be able to speak.
"I just can't deal with all of this right now. I have so much on my mind. I-"
You looked down.
He pulled up your chin to make you look him in the eyes. That specific move of him, the look in his eyes, that was the final moment you needed. All these months you had a feeling inside you that you couldn't quiet name but now you knew what it was. You loved him. Not just because he was handsome or had a rather charming accent, no he was also smart and strangely funny, he was kind and had a heart like you had never seen before, he would do anything in order to keep you safe and the way everything he did and said was so unbelievably gentle made you even more crazy for him. He noticed it too in that same exact moment. He noticed something inside him had changed now as he saw that spark in your eyes, he knew he liked you before but always pushed the feelings away. He couldn't like you, maybe he could forget the age gap but never the fact that you were his bosses baby sister, that you were such a fragile, traumatized young woman that was way out of his league (in his opinion). But now he just couldn't push the feelings any further, there was no space left. He had to admit it. He was in love with you.
"This is weird."
You said quietly as you continued to look at him.
"I shouldn't have come. I'm sorry. Your not a therapist."
He said a little more loudly as you wanted to get up.
"I told you before. I want to listen. Maybe nobody else did before and it makes you feel bad to talk but i will listen. Always."
Your breath started shaking and your cheeks suddenly reddened as you realized how close the two of you were now. Your entire body stiffened and relaxed at the same time, you then had a strange urge you had never felt as strong before as a wave of warmth filled you. You held the eye contact as you still felt his hand on your upper arm, you decided you wanted to try something. Your left hand went up to his cheek and softly stroke above it and it tingled as your hand touched his beard. He quickly looked at your hand and then back at your eyes. He must've understood because before you knew it his face moved closer and he hesitated as if he asked for permission but after a small brush of your lips against his he finally pulled you in by the neck. It was a slow and gentle kiss, it was as if both of you still couldn't believe that was actually happening and were still in shock. After a long moment you both pulled back simultaneously and took a breath before looking into each others eyes and when you looked into those gorgeous green eyes of his you knew you couldn't resist him any longer. Which was why you jumped up and covered your face desperately. You groaned loudly while Raymond sat there watching you walk around the room nervously, hoping that the kiss hadn't been a mistake.
"We shouldn't have done that."
You said shakily as you looked back at him with worry in your eyes. He sighed and sat up straighter while taking a deep breath.
"Listen. We...we both like each other. Right?"
You nodded slightly while you bit your finger.
"We obviously do. And uhm..."
He swallowed.
"I know your brother wouldn't want you to date his personal assistant. But I'm sure he'd want you to get a man you deserve. A man that'll treat you right, that'll protect you and love you for the rest of your life with all the strength he's got, not letting his affection ever fade. You deserve someone that'll treat you like the goddess you are."
You chuckled and so did he, he didn't know but that was all she wanted from a man.
"I know that i didn't really prove my protection yet but i will try my best. I won't mess up again, i promis."
"You did enough, Ray."
You mumbled and as he looked up at you basically begging with his stare you knew it was over. There wasn't an ounce of self control left and you gave in to him. You had no choice. You had to smirk and that smirk made him realize what had been going on inside you, he knew you'd given up and given in to him.
"So what are we going to do now? We need a plan. We can't just..."
But Raymond had already gotten up, walked towards you and kissed you as passionately as you had never been kissed before. You held on to his forearms as he cupped your cheeks with his hands. It felt like the whole room was spinning, it was so much at once, you were hot and cold and you felt like you were going to sink in the ground but at the same time lift up. It felt like your first kiss, like you were an obsessive, silly teenager again. You felt his hands on your thinly covered skin and they were perfectly placed, it was like they had a mind of their own and they were rather intelligent. One had grabbed your neck softly from the back and intertwined with your hair. The other was placed on your hip and held you against him. Your hands were each wrapped around the back of his neck pulling him closer to you as you already stood on your tiptoes due to the height difference. The kiss was so tender and delicate that you would rip your hair out if you had watched it. No man has ever kissed you like he did before, he wasn't just a good kisser but a careful and dolce one. It was like he didn't care about his own satisfaction at all and only, purely yours, but at the same time he felt hungry and needy for your lips but didn't take it and eat it like an animal but a gentlemen. A small moan slipped out your lips as he pressed his hips against you and by that your thighs against the table, you hadn't even noticed was there, behind you. He pulled back slowly after some time to catch his breath and admire you.
"God you taste amazing."
He said under his breath and made you smile with his words.
"So addictive."
He mumbled against your lips, you weren't sure weather he was talking to himself or you. You two continued making out for a while but he suggested to keep it that way at first, so you won't go too far too quickly and you agreed. You couldn't take more mental distress and he knew and understood that.

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