//Chapter nine//

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He gave you a searching look while talking gently.
"Who was that guy? Crazy ex?"
It was surprising to her how comforting just his voice was.
"Not really. Crazy, yeah. But i never dated him."
"But didn't he say..."
"Yeah. He always thought we did. Unofficially. But i never even liked him. He said the way i looked at him and treated him said enough about my feelings for him."
You were still trying to not starting to cry again.
"I was just being nice."
He sighed.
"It started harmless. He was hitting on me in a club, started sending me flowers and chocolate. I don't even know how he got my address. Then he started to show up at the front door of my apartment complex, started following me to cafes and shops. Then to work. He was everywhere. I told people and they told me to not overreact. It was just a stupid obsession. He started sending me weird messages and drawings of me and i couldn't sleep at night, scared he could maybe even be in my apartment somehow. I went to the police and they told me they will try their best to catch him."
You took a moment to breath.
"They did eventually. He went to psychiatry for about 8 months. And when he got out they said he was completely changed, a different person. But nothing changed. I still checked my back every 2 minutes when i took a walk. And then he-"
You inhaled sharply and looked down at your hands.
"He even followed me to England."
You said as a tear rolled down your face. You quickly wiped it away and turned away from Ray.
"He won't get near you again. I promise."
You looked at him with red, swollen eyes and the saddest frown he had seen before sighing deeply.
"You promise?"
"I will do everything in my power to keep him away from you, you have my word."
He grabbed your hand and slowly stroke his thumb above the back of your hand. You nodded and only hoped this had been a bad dream, you hoped this wasn't real and you would finally wake up from this cruel nightmare. While you were still deep in thoughts trying to process but you hadn't noticed that Ray had gotten up and talked to your boss. He had witnessed the whole scene and agreed as Raymond asked him to give you the rest of the day off and take you home.
"Let's get you home."
Raymond said gently as he stood closely in front of you, he looked ready to carry you the whole way home and walk by foot even. As he saw you look up at him like you did, he felt like you were just a simple woman admiring a literal god, looking at him like he was your long awaited knight in a shiny armor. He gave you a soft smile and you responded with an honest but somehow sad smile that almost broke his heart. He had suddenly known what this feeling was he had felt for the past few weeks, he felt like he had to protect you with every cell in his body and even when he wasn't able to breath anymore he would jump in front of a bullet only to keep you safe he didn't even know you that well but he would risk his life as often as he had to in order to keep yours safe. He helped you to the car, you were still shocked, and drove you back to his house.
"You know what was the worst about...that, earlier?"
"No. What?"
He seemed genuinely interested.
"I wasn't able to do anything."
You hesitated before continuing.
"I took these boxing and self defense classes. I imagined what i would do if something like that would ever happen to me again. But i just stood there like a stupid child and let him take control of me. AGAIN. I just- i wish i would've been able to resist him. You know?"
He sighed.
"Yes. I fully understand. And i am sorry you weren't able. But that doesn't mean you won't be in the future, right? I could help you. Not just by protecting you from psychos like him but by teaching you how to do yourself. I know you go to these classes but i really want to help you. And one day, i promise you that you will be able to look him the eyes, tell him to go fuck himself and kick him so hard he'll feel it for the rest of the week while you won't even flinch."
You put your head down on the head rest and looked at him for a moment, in total amazement and there was something else in that look that both of you weren't able to read at that moment.
"Thank you Raymond."
You whispered while you watched him drive. He gave you a small look before concentrating back on the road and a small smile followed after he saw the way you looked at him. After you arrived and he brought you into the bedroom you could hear him calling your brother from downstairs.
"Yeah, it's me. Listen...your sister just had a strange encounter with a guy rather familiar to her. I didn't get a name but she told me he had not only been following but harassing and disturbing her in the past already."
He paused and listened to what your brother had to say.
"Exactly. Stalker."
Another pause.
"I definitely will. Yes. Alright, then have a good night Boss."
He hung up and sighed.
"God. That poor kid."
He mumbled to himself. He poured himself a glas of whiskey before going outside to check if that man might've followed them. He then locked ever window, every door and other ways inside the house that hadn't been locked yet, he went upstairs and softly knocked on your door. He pushed it open after you had answered.
"Anything i can get for you?"
He whispered in his soft accent.
"What is it?"
He took a step closer to be able to see your face, you swallowed before speaking.
"I don't think i can be alone tonight."
You said quietly.
"Do you want me to stay in here with you?"
"Only if that's not a problem."
"No. Not at all."
He said before closing the door again. He took a seat more in the back of the room on the desk chair next to the window.
"Alright, this way i can see you and the driveway. Ok?"
You nodded and hoped the night would pass quickly but you somehow felt safer than you had ever felt. Somebody could walk in with a machete and a machine gun and you would trust Raymond to still protect you. And somehow you would do the same ( at least attempt to).

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