Chapter 78 - Images from the past

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"My pearl!"

"Rielle?" You turned your head in surprise at the sound of the familiar voice and nickname.

It wasn't long before you received confirmation to your suspicions, actually, it was pretty much instantaneous. That is, by seeing the merboy speed over in your direction before crashing into you with a tight and affectionate hug.

"My pearl! How are you here-? I mean- You're breathing! Underwater!" The red haired prince looked you over in awe and excitement as he kept his arms around you.

"I am indeed. Fortunately, I might add." You responded with a sweet chuckle. Admittedly feeling your mood lift at the sight of those bright, blue eyes you had grown so accustomed to.

"Magical potions can really work... well, magic." You said with a smile, and the merboy detached himself from you, only to beam happily and squeal.

"You should've told me you'd be here! I never expected to meet you while I was exploring around these parts!" His expression never deterred from its joyful display. Meanwhile, you tilted your head to the side.

"Exploring? On a school day...?" You questioned with a knowing, raised brow.

"Ah- um... w-well..." Rielle's voice suddenly lowered to a flustered mumble as he stammered for an excuse.

"What was that, Prince Rielle?" You spoke light-heartedly when seeing his cheeks redden.

"I was looking for some nice pearls and seashells..." He timidly admitted, looking down at his hands. But that wouldn't be something worth of such a reaction, right? Well, there's some more.

"You usually come visit the others and I after big exams, so I wanted to prepare a little gift... for you..." The blue eyed mer trailed off in the end, making you huff a chuckle and smile in resignation, but also affection.

"You don't have to make me a new necklace or bracelet each time, you know? I already have a bunch." You gently reminded, making the RSA student get animated once more.

"B-but what if they break? I used to get so sad when some of the land-objects from my collection did!" He vehemently countered, thinking back to some of his childhood memories.

"A-anyway... you still haven't told me why you're here in the first place." The young prince pouted in embarrassment while trying to change the subject.

"I... actually have some business at the Atlantica Memorial Museum. I need to retrieve something on someone else's behalf." Your playfulness soon left, but you still kept a faint smile while generally stating your reason.

"The museum? I passed by it just earlier, but it was closed..." Rielle furrowed his brows as he pondered, not at all questioning what you could be possibly going to pick up there.

"Closed? Then how can I..." These certainly weren't good news, making you frown as your brain immediately began reeling for some sort of solution.

"Oh, but don't worry! It seems like it's important to you, so just leave it to me! I won't let your trip here go to waste." The cheerful boy smiled mirthfully as he reassured you, pulling you out of your own mind.



"I can't believe it's closed! What will we do?" The red haired royal exclaimed with a sad pout the moment you reached the front of the guarded structure.

"Our prince! What could possibly bring you here?" The older of the two mermen at the entrance spoke in a mildly startled voice, straightening up and bowing his head slightly in respect.

The other side of a glass tank - Octavinelle (& Twisted Wonderland) X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now