Chapter 14

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Alec knew. He knew the moment when she had left her room. He knew the moment he heard the soft delicate moans escape her lips. He knew and all those around him knew. His heart slightly broke at the realization that Joy had laid with a man who she once cherished and loved, a man who she once called her husband. Those nights they shared when she revealed herself and promised herself to him in soft and passionate moans now were shared with another. Alec gazed outside to the world on the other side. His mind filled with nothing but Joy's soft moans. The more clouded his thoughts became, the more he felt his heart break a little bit more.

 The birds chirped in the sky. It was about noon and he still hadn't left his room, not for food or simply to greet Joy; just stood there, motionless. If he was being honest with himself, he couldn't bring himself to leave, not to, not to face him, not to face anyone, and certainly, not her. Alec heard a soft knock from the other side of the door. Yet, he did not move. Alec knew who it was.

 "Alec, it's noon and you haven't left your room since yesterday. Let me in," Joy says, almost in a begging tone. No reply. "Alec, I know that you hear me. Just please open the door," she begs. Still no reply. Joy pressed her forehead against the door, a small sigh escaping her lips. "Alec, I'll come back but we have to talk. You know it and I know it." Without another word, Joy leaves not knowing that Alec had his forehead pressed against the same door, desperate to reach out and talk but he couldn't, not now. His heart and mind were fighting with one another and Joy was in the middle of it. Joy rushed to her room, making eye contact with Zadia momentarily. She slammed the door behind her, back pressed against the door as tears began to run down her face. Silent cries escaped her chapped lips.

 "Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!" Joy belittles herself. 

She slides down the door, burying herself in knees. A day of stress and anger turned into a night of sweet passionate love that she and Vito shared for years and now that night caused a bridge in the relationship between her and Alec. Joy heard a gentle knock from the door. "Go away," she demands. "Joy, just open the door." Zadia tells her. "No, just go away," Joy sniffles, "I don't need your pity." Zadia scoffs and shakes her head, "You and I both know that pity is not my thing. Open the door." Joy reluctantly opens the door, revealing herself to Zadia, a woman that she once saw as a sister at one point now standing there still as loyal as she was back then. Zadia offered her a soft and assuring smile. Joy closed the door behind her. 

"Listen buttercup," Zadia sits down on the bed and gazes over at her, "I'm not gonna force you to tell me what happened but I am willing to listen." 

Joy sits down beside her and lays her head on the other's shoulder. "God, I'm such an idiot. I was just so stressed about Milana that I let my guard down with Vito and..." Joy trails off but Zadia understood what she meant. "Now, Alec won't talk to me." Zadia wraps her arm around her shoulders. "You still love him," Zadia remarked, "Just like you did when you left him. You loved him." Joy fell silent. "You still love Vito just like you love Alec." "How can you say I 'love' him when I just hurt him?" Joy asks, sniffling. "People hurt the ones they love, one way or another. I learned that years ago," Zadia frowns. Joy shuddered.

 "I'll admit, it is hard to see him everyday but you get used to it after some time," Zadia says with a wistful smile. Despite her smile, she didn't let it reach her eyes. Despite her attempt at reassurance, Joy knew the depth of pain hidden in Zadia's words, a pain that mirrored her own. A sadness that spoke of secrets shared and wounds still unhealed. 

"What do you think I should do about this situation now?" 

"Give him time. He is still hurt but I promise you that he will be here." Zadia's words lingered in the air, Joy nodded slowly, taking in her friend's advice. "Thank you, Z," she murmured, her voice tinged with gratefulness. Zadia rises from the bed, offering a reassuring smile. "Anytime, Joy." With that, she made her way to the door, leaving Joy to her thoughts. Alone again, Joy couldn't shake the weight of guilt pressing down on her. He just needed time, but the uncertainty gnawed at her. Meanwhile, down the hall, Alec found himself sitting on his bed, rubbing his thumbs over the other. Dried tears were plastered on his cheeks, he didn't care to clean his face. A knock came from the door. 

No reply. 

Alec didn't even flinch as a few seconds passed and the door opened. Aiden closed the door behind him the best that he could without tipping over the tray of food. His hard eyes landed on Alec's slumped form as he placed a tray of food on a nearby desk. Alec didn't pay him any attention, his mind was still clouded. Aiden was close to just leaving but, "It ain't your fault." His voice broke Alec out of his trance. 

"Excuse me?" Alec asks. 

Aiden repeats himself, "It isn't your fault what happened." Alec sighs as he leans back slightly. "So I've been told," he sarcastically says. Aiden adjusts his stance, his eyes that were once cold showed an uncommon empathy to the man in front of him. Despite his intimidating presence, Aiden placed a hand on Alec's shoulder, "I know it's hard to believe right now, but it's true," he insists, his voice surprisingly gentle. Alec meets Aiden's gaze, a mix of anger and sadness in his eyes. "I just can't....I feel like it's my fault." Aiden nods, "I understand but trust me. Don't blame yourself for what happened." 

Alec looks away, the weight of guilt still heavy on his shoulder. "I trusted her and she..." Alec sighs, his own burdensome past weighing on him "You couldn't have known." Alec clenches his jaw, his fists tightening. "She made a mistake, Alec. But that doesn't change who is at fault." Alec doesn't respond, lost in his own thoughts. Aiden hesitates for a moment before speaking again, his voice low. "Some of us are still paying for our own." Though his voice was low, Alec still heard him. Alec's brow furrows in confusion, but before Alec could question him, a knock interrupted him. Both men knew who it was.

 "Talk," Aiden advises him. Aiden walked over to the door, opening it, revealing Joy, whose eyes were puffy and red. Aiden moved past Joy, giving her an encouraging nod.

 Joy's eyes met Alec's. His heart sank as he looked at Joy, seeing the pain and regret written all over her face. He wanted to turn her away, but he couldn't find himself to do it. Joy took a hesitant step into the room, her voice barely above a whisper. "Can we talk?" Alec hesitated, his emotions warring within him. But then he remembered Aiden's words. Soon, he reluctantly nodded, allowing Joy to enter the room. Joy took a seat beside him. He could bring himself to look at her. The hurt was still too raw, too fresh. After a moment of heavy silence, Alec's voice was filled with pain as he asked, "Why? Why did you do it?"

 Joy flinched at the hurt in Alec's voice, her own eyes filling with tears. "I was angry, stressed...I made a mistake." Alec shook his head, his voice trembling with emotion. "A mistake? Sleeping with him was a mistake?" Joy's hand trembled as she touched Alec's arm. "Yes, Alec it was. I was angry, and I wasn't thinking clearly. But believe me when I tell you, I do love you." "You love me?" Joy nods. Alec scoffs as he peered away from him. "Let me make it up to you," Joy begs. Alec remains silent for a moment. He wanted to leave, to push her away and never look back, but deep down, he knew he couldn't. 

Despite the pain and betrayal, Alec still loved Joy with all his heart. He had made that bet with Vito, agreeing to find ways to win Joy's heart back. And now, as he looked into her tear-filled eyes, he knew that he couldn't give up on her. Alec grasps her hand, bringing it up to her lips. Joy's breath catches in her throat at the unexpected gesture, her heart skipping a beat. Tears of relief fill her eyes as she looks at Alec, her love for him shining through the pain and uncertainty. For a moment, they just stayed like that, their hands clasped together, a silent promise passing between them. 

Meanwhile, in another part of the mansion, Vito sits in his office, his mind racing. Angelo managed to squeeze some information out of the goon before ending his life. He had a place and a name, but he needed help. Picking up the phone, he dials a number he knows by heart, waiting anxiously for the person on the other end to pick up.

 "Ryker," he says, his voice low and powerful, "I need your help."

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