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"The 'New Generation'? What's that?" Meliodas asks. "Apparently, there have been a few failed apprentices who have found a way to gain the full powers of a Holy Knight in the space of one day. Guila for instance. She's the latest apprentice who's grown stronger overnight. Doesn't really seem right, does it?" King explains. "She was?" Meliodas asks. "Let's back up a minute, you took the sacred treasure that was bestowed upon you by King Liones himself, and sold it?" King asks his captain. "I need seed money for the tavern." Meliodas replies, scratching the back of his head with a cheeky look on his face. "Yours was stolen?" King asks Ban. "When I threw my butt into that prison." Ban replies. King looks at Diane who hides behind her hair, blushing. "Am I a bad girl?" She asks. "If it got misplaced, then it's not your fault!" King tells her. Then he turns to Seraphina. "Your Highness if you don't mind me asking, but I noticed you had a scythe in the Necropolis and now it's gone." King tells her.

"Huh?" Seraphina looks around. She runs around looking for her scythe, now in this small chibi form. Everyone sweatdrops at her behavior. "Whaaaat?!" Seraphina shouts, before walking back over to them sulking. "Did you find it?" King asks. "I left it in the Necropolis..." Seraphina sighs. "How are we supposed to get it back?" Elizabeth asks. Seraphina shrugs still sulking. Ban's eyes widen when he sees the scythe materialize. They hear a 'CLANG' behind them and turn to find Seraphina's scythe. "Oh, there it is." She walks over to grab it. "Is no one going to talk about that?!" Ban shouts. "Hey. I don't understand why you're getting so upset, King. These guys do pretty well with what they've got." Hawk brings the conversation back to the sacred treasures. "Sir Pig." King looks at him. "Uh, 'Sir Pig'?" Hawk questions. "Now, let's say that this lake represents all the magic power used by one of the Sins." King motions to the lake. "How much water could you scoop out by using just your hands?" He asks.

"Hands?" Hawk looks at his hoof. "That's right. No matter how much magic there is, you're pretty limited by them. But, if you have a weapon, especially a sacred treasure, you can draw out incredible amounts of magic." King draws out giant water bubbles from the lake. "Sacred treasures are pretty awesome." Meliodas comments. Seraphina clenches her fist and glares at him. "That makes a lot of sense!" Hawk agrees. "Who in their right mind would give up something like that?" "Why the hell did you give yours up, hamhead?" Both Seraphina and Hawk yell, grabbing Meliodas by the shirt and shaking him. "In any case, we're gonna have to get your sacred treasures back. Assuming you're serious about saving the realm." King tells them. "Excuse me." Elizabeth stands up. "Huh?" King looks at her. "But Sir King, before you joined us, were you working with somebody inside the castle?" Elizabeth asks him.

"Hmm. More or less." King replies. "Do you know what happened to them? My father and two sisters, the king and the other two princesses?" Elizabeth inquires. "I'm afraid not. Sorry about that." King replies. "Oh, I see." Elizabeth says, sadly.


Elizabeth sat on the bed in Meliodas' room fiddling with her earring. Seraphina stands in the doorway watching her, she then decides to knock on the door, gaining Elizabeth's attention. "Your earring is really pretty. It has the crest of your kingdom on it, right?" Seraphina asks. "Yes." Elizabeth nods. "I have something similar." Seraphina sits beside her and shows her the bracelet. "What's that crest?" Elizabeth asks. "I don't know. I don't even know who gave it to me. This too." Seraphina takes her necklace out from her shirt to show Elizabeth. "Wow." Elizabeth stares at it intrigued. "Where'd you get your earring?" Seraphina asks. "I got it on my 15th birthday. It was a present from my big sister, Margaret. She's really thoughtful and kind." Elizabeth shares. Seraphina hums urging her to continue. "Veronica, the second princess, is a handful. I remember Father always having to scold her for being willful and playing with swords. Back then, Gilthunder would play with us too." Elizabeth looks down, reminiscing about the past.

"It was wonderful." "Well, princess." Seraphina smiles at her. "When we rescue your father, sisters, and everyone else I hope I get to meet them. You all sound like a wonderful family." She tells Elizabeth. "Yes! I'm sure they'd love you." Elizabeth agrees. "Until then, I promise to protect you with everything that I have." Seraphina holds out her pinky. "Oh no, you don't have to do that." Elizabeth tells her but wraps her pinky around Seraphina's. "I want to make sure you get back to your family safe." Seraphina tells her. "You two still awake?" Meliodas asks walking into the room. "Sir Meliodas! Yes, Seraphina and I were just talking." Elizabeth replies. "Oh really?" Meliodas takes a seat beside Seraphina, who nods. "Elizabeth, could you leave for a bit so Seraphina and I could have a little alone time?" Meliodas grins at the girls. "Huh?" Seraphina looks confused. Meliodas hums once Hawk has already tied him up. "You don't learn, do you, bacon brain?" Hawk asks.


"That town there on the side of the mountain is called Vaizel. It's a merchant town." Meliodas tells the group about the town they are in. "You think it's really here?" Hawk asks. "Not too long ago, one of our customers said a hammer was brought in that was so big, nobody could wield it, don't you remember?" Meliodas explains. "So, nobody could handle it?" Elizabeth asks. "How'd they bring it here then?" Seraphina wonders. "It could be Diane's." King says. "Aw, the hell with that. We got to do something about my clothes!" Ban whines. "Just cover your six-pack with an apron." Meliodas tells Ban. "That's not important now!" Diane slams her hands onto the ground knocking everyone airborne. "Why do I have to stay and mind the bar?" She asks. "Look, Diane. Ever since a Giant went wild at their festival a few years ago, they've all been banned from town. But we'll come right back as soon as we see what's up." Meliodas explains to her.

"It's gonna be boring!" Diane whines. Seraphina and Elizabeth look at each other and then back at Diane. "You know, I think I'll stay behind too." Elizabeth says. "Same here." Seraphina agrees. "What? Really?" Diane asks. "Sure, it'll be nice to have a little girl time for a change." Elizabeth tells her. "Yeah. Just us girls." Diane giggles. "Okay, let's hit it." Meliodas tells the boys and they leave. 

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